USHE Completion Grants

The Board of Regents has awarded a Completion Grant to each of the eight public colleges and universities in the state, to help sustain and scale programs working to improve graduation rates. These grants support programs focused on one or more of the five completion strategies approved by the Board of Regents in July 2013, which include: establishing 15 credit hours as the normal full-time course load; setting plateau tuition; creating degree program maps; helping students succeed in math; and exploring the feasibility of implementing reverse transfer or stackable credentials. The Completion Grant amounts range from about $18,000 to $40,000.


InstitutionTitle/SubjectBoard of Regents Completion StrategyOverview of Grant Proposal
Plan to Finish15 to Finish; Math SuccessIncrease participation in BlockU (block scheduling of general education requirements); provide support for math tutoring to 500 students
Aggie Road-to-Success ProgramStackable Credentials/Reverse TransferIdentify students who have already completed an AA/AS and award degree; invite students back to complete their AA/AS
Smart Graduation PlannerDegree MapsDesign and implement the Smart Graduation Planner, an intelligent course-scheduling application
University Remediation AssistanceMath SuccessDouble capacity for College Connections, a required course for those accepted provisionally
ILearnMathMath SuccessSpeed up completion and success of developmental math, with the goal of students finishing college math within two semesters
Student Success Center Mentors15 to Finish; Degree Maps; Math SuccessExpand peer mentoring program
College Scheduler15 to Finish; Degree MapsFully implement College Scheduler, software that allows students to easily search schedule options and register for classes
Student Success PathwayDegree maps/ Stackable CredentialsTargeted messaging/awareness campaign around Certificates of Completion earned along the way to a degree in the School of Technical Specialties
Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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