The ROI of Utah’s College Graduates

For every tax dollar the state invests in higher education, there is a 3 dollar increase in tax revenues to the state. Further, a Utahn who invests a year’s worth of tuition in a college education will realize at least a 41% wage increase in the first year working after college.

Making a Difference in Math

Legislative math initiative increases college math completion in high school by 28%  SB 196 Math Competency Initiative  (Millner/Gibson), passed during the 2015 Utah legislative session, encourages high school students to complete a higher education math, or Quantitative Literacy (QL), requirement prior to graduating from high school.  A new issue brief from the Office of the Commissioner of […]

Federal action directly impacting higher education moves forward

The United State Congress and U.S. federal agencies have embarked on several actions in recent weeks impacting higher education. A lot of action is still in motion, with much of the focus on tax reform in the coming week. Below is an up-to-date summary of recent actions: House GOP Higher Education Authorization Bill Released The House Education […]

2018 – the Year of Technical Education

Governor Herbert recently announced 2018 as the Year of Technical Education. This announcement came on the heels of the Governor’s announcement of a new IT Education Pathway in Utah. Under Governor Herbert’s ‘Talent Ready Utah,’ initiative, leaders from the Governor’s Office, Utah’s State Board of Education, System of Higher Education, and System of Technical Colleges […]

Westminster College hosts seventh annual Expect the Great event

More than 250 students, parents and community members attended the seventh annual Expect the Great college and career readiness event on October 28, at Westminster College. This year’s event brought together colleges and school districts across the state to provide information and resources about options for college and career opportunities for African, African-American and Black […]

4 takeaways on good jobs in Utah that don’t require a bachelor’s degree

A recent report released by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce and JP Morgan Chase & Co. showed that there are 30 million good jobs in the United States that pay well without a bachelor’s degree. “Good jobs” are defined as those that pay at least $35,000 per year for those under […]

Changes to the Regents’ Scholarship coming for the Class of 2019

The Utah State Board of Regents approved changes for the Regents’ Scholarship at their meeting November 17, 2017, at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. The Regents’ Scholarship changes will take effect for the Class of 2019, current high school juniors. The new Regents’ Scholarship both rewards students whose academic achievements demonstrate a high likelihood of […]

Students earn $1,000 scholarships in bookmark contest

Eight Utah students are $1,000 closer to their college dreams, thanks to their winning submissions in the Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) and StepUp to Higher Education’s Make Your Mark bookmark contest. More than 1,500 students in four age brackets entered original artwork for a chance at a $1,000 UESP college savings scholarship account. Kindergarten […]