Report highlights gap in educational attainment in Utah’s workforce demands

A new report from Achieve, a bipartisan nonprofit organization focusing on helping states make college and career readiness a priority for all students, has released its latest analysis of states’ student performance against college-and career-ready (CCR) indicators. The report provides a state-by-state analysis of education outcomes in relation to the state’s employment needs. Supply vs. […]
Utah’s Senator Hatch introduces Bipartisan College Transparency Act to improve reporting of student outcomes
A bipartisan group of senators led by Utah’s Senator Hatch recently introduced legislation to overturn a federal prohibition on tracking the educational and employment outcomes of college students. The bill sponsors—all members of the Senate education committee—unveiled the College Transparency Act of 2017, which would allow the federal government, as well as families and prospective […]
New national survey highlights perceptions of U.S. higher education
A newly released survey by New America, Varying Degrees: New America’s Annual Survey on Higher Education, surveys 1,600 individuals nationwide to better understand the perceptions of and knowledge about higher education and economic mobility. This survey provides insights into the opinions about higher education across generations, ethnicities and several other demographics. Some key findings emerge […]
New certificates offered at University of Utah expand career options for recent grads
A new non-credit certificate program offered by the University of Utah is designed to help recent graduates expand their employment options. The Degree Plus certificates, which begin in fall 2017, focus on teaching skills needed for careers in high-demand areas, including operations, content marketing, instructional design, data analysis and digital communications. The certificate program was […]
USHE enrollment expected to grow to over 241,000 students by 2026
Over 61,000 students are expected to be added to Utah’s college and university campuses over the next ten years, according to enrollment projections approved at the May meeting of the Utah State Board of Regents. The total headcount in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) is expected to grow from 179,935 students in Fall 2014 to […]
Introducing the 2017-18 Student Body Presidents

As the 2016-2017 academic year comes to an end, new Student Body Presidents have been elected at USHE’s colleges and universities. The Student Body Presidents, elected by their student peers, will serve during the 2017-18 academic year. The presidents, together, form the leadership for the statewide student association that advocates on behalf of students on […]
Harris Simmons elected Vice Chair of the Board of Regents

Simmons follows France Davis in the role; Davis and four other Regents finish their terms on the Board The Board of Regents has unanimously elected Harris Simmons to serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Regents at their meeting May 19 at Salt Lake Community College, South City Campus. He will be replacing France […]
Commencement 2017: Snow, SUU, USU, and UVU graduation recap

Utah’s colleges and universities have been celebrating the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies the last few weeks. See 2017 commencement photos from DSU, SLCC, U of U, and WSU. Snow College: 1,065 graduates Diploma/Award: 1 Certificates: 50 Associate: 1,043 Bachelor’s: 22 Southern Utah University: 1,925 graduates Certificates: 16 Associate: 371 Bachelor’s: 1,130 Master’s: 408 Utah State University: 5,046 graduates Associate: 1,296 […]
University of Utah ranks among top 2% of all teacher prep programs in the nation
The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) recently released its latest ratings for 717 undergraduate programs that prepare high school teachers, including ratings for seven programs in Utah. The University of Utah ranks among the top 2% of the over 700 programs analyzed NTCQ that ranked as a “Top Tier Secondary Teacher Prep Programs” by […]
Annual update on higher education finance shows Utah growth outpacing other states
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) recently released its annual update on state higher education finance (interactive report here). This report provides a useful state-by-state comparison of funding of public higher education. Utah is among 10 “boomerang states,” defined as those that had a 20% or larger cut in educational appropriations per FTE […]