
A closer look at student utilization of online courses

Of the 167,317 students enrolled at a Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institution in Fall 2014, over one in four students is enrolled in at least one online course. Online course delivery has grown exponentially in the past 5 years. USHE now offers 81 degree and certificate programs entirely online. Such explosive growth in […]

Utah Educational Savings Plan exceeds $8 billion in assets

Rapid growth in assets under management leads to cost efficiencies that benefit account owners investing for college. The Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) announced today it has surpassed $8 billion in assets under its management in more than 277,000 accounts, a milestone underscoring the value that investors find in Utah’s low-cost, fast-growing 529 college savings […]

Honoring Black History Month at Utah’s colleges and universities

From a speech by Nelson Mandela’s grandson and an acclaimed one-woman show, to step teams, art exhibits and documentary screenings, Utah’s colleges are in the midst of honoring Black History Month. Below are some highlights from select institutions: University of Utah Theme: “Because of Them, We Can: A Celebration of the Black Experience” Black History Month […]

USHE response to 2014 legislative intent language

In 2014, the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, and subsequently the State Legislature as a whole, adopted intent language for the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to report on completion, transfer, job placement, cost and the transition from developmental to college-level math. Highlights from the report include: Graduation rates Completing a bachelor’s degree in 100% of time […]

Consider sending your state income tax refund directly to your UESP account

Want to pocket more money for college? While preparing your 2014 Utah state income tax returns, consider sending your state income tax refund directly to your Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) account. Your refund will be applied equally among accounts owned by you and, if you file taxes jointly, your spouse. On the last page […]

Improving counselor training in college and career readiness

February 2-6 has been declared School Counseling Week in Utah. “School counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents, as these traits relate to career awareness and development,” said Governor Herbert in a declaration. The Governor’s timing of this declaration not only coincides with national events recognizing the role of […]

Board of Regents Advance Performance Funding Proposal for 2015 Legislature

The Board of Regents approved a performance funding model as part of its 2015-16 legislative budget request. The USHE budget request includes support for employee compensation, student participation, distinctive mission, and performance funding, all of which serve to further the strategic directions of the Board of Regents—affordable participation, timely completion, and innovative discovery. Performance Funding […]

Board of Regents updates its strategic directions and goals

To further define the Board of Regents proposed strategic directions and goals for 2015, the Board has approved three main goals to focus on to “to provide a high quality, efficient, and economical public system of higher education through centralized direction and master planning” (Utah Code Annotated, 53B-1-101). During the past several months the Board has held informal […]

USHE institutions set goals to increase college completion rates

Increasing the number of students who successfully complete college with a degree or certificate has been a top priority of the Board of Regents for nearly a decade, and it was reaffirmed with the Board’s new strategic objectives approved last week. In July 2013, the Board passed a college completion resolution, identifying five initiatives proven […]

Engineering and Computer Science Initiative

Established in 2001, the Engineering and Computer Science Initiative established a goal to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology programs. The Legislature approved SB61: Enhancements to the State Systems of Public and Higher Education, sponsored by Sen. Lyle Hillyard. Funding for this initiative has impacted on degrees awarded […]