
Area of study of Utah college grads vs. industry where employed

Did you know many college graduates enter a different industry than their major? It’s not always a linear relationship between degree and workplace; in fact, the reality of employment post-graduation is much more dynamic than that. After all, a college degree provides graduates with much more than just skills in their particular field: It also […]

2014 USHE Scholarship Report

USHE’s Annual Scholarship Report is now available. The report provides the Utah Legislature an update on the New Century and Regents’ scholarships. Both scholarships are administered by the Commissioner’s Office. While the total recipients for the New Century Scholarship remained constant for several years, the Regents’ Scholarship continues double-digit percentage growth (average 54% annual recipient […]

Interstate Passport Initiative

Transferring between institutions in Utah is seamless, thanks to efforts such as the Faculty Discipline Majors’ Meetings and oversight by the Regents’ General Education Task Force. Throughout the Utah system, most lower-division general education courses have common numbering and aligned learning outcomes. But what if you wanted to transfer to a school out-of-state? Academic leaders […]

Enrollment holds steady at Utah’s public colleges and universities

Utah bucks national trend of declining higher education enrollment The first “snapshot” of college enrollments for the 2014-15 school year (fall semester, third week) shows that the number of students enrolled at Utah’s public colleges and universities held steady with a slight net increase. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) enrollment for the Fall […]

Higher ed launches children’s book to encourage students to dream big

In an effort to encourage young students to begin dreaming of what they want to be when they are adults—and to emphasize that college is an important part of achieving that dream—the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) commissioned the creation of a children’s book, Monte and the World of Possibilities. 4,550 Read Today volunteers […]

USHE and the Utah Data Alliance

The Utah Data Alliance (UDA) is a partnership seeking to increase the use and efficiency of data across multiple levels of education. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) is one of six partners working to make education data more accessible and usable through sound and secure practices. The other five partners are: The Department […]

The Alan E. Hall Innovation for Undergraduate Student Success Award

The office of the Commissioner is excited to announce the first annual Alan E. Hall Innovation for Undergraduate Student Success Award. A biennial award given to a faculty or staff member or collaborative team at each of the eight USHE institutions, the award is given to support initiatives with  clearly defined and well-conceived innovative strategies […]

Regents approve 2015-16 budget priorities

The Board of Regents approved the budget priorities of the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) for fiscal years 2015-16 at its most recent Board meeting held Sept. 26 at Utah State University. By state statute, the Board is required to submit a unified budget request to the Legislature each year as part of its duty […]

Study: Walk-in centers and services for veterans at USHE institutions

Earlier this year, the Utah State Legislature passed SB 68, Veterans Centers. This legislation requires the Board of Regents to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of providing a veterans “walk-in center or services at each institution of higher education.” Staff at the Commissioner’s office worked with the Chief Student Services Officers, veterans services […]

Nearly $1M in UCAP funds awarded to USHE institutions

USHE institutions were awarded a combined $992,500 from the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) to support new Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership (UCAP) projects during the 2014-2015 fiscal year.  This funding allows USHE institutions to develop and enhance programs that lead to job creation and talent development in high-demand industries within the regions they serve.  Here […]