Board of Regents honor Utah’s state higher ed governing body’s 50th anniversary

[Pictured above: 1969 Utah Board of Regents] Fifty years ago, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) was formed by the state legislature with a single board—the Utah State Board of Regents—to govern the new system. In 1969, the population in Utah was just over one million. The world was learning new things about the […]

In a national context: Utah’s growing opportunity gap

At the August Board of Regents meeting, the new Workforce, Access, and Advocacy Committee tasked the Commissioner’s office with taking a closer look at data on Utah’s growing opportunity gap. Further evaluation of this gap will help to identify statewide strategies that address barriers for minority populations to access and complete postsecondary educational opportunities.

Trending in higher ed: food insecurity among college students

When thinking of concerns that college students face, it is common to think of rising tuition rates, choosing a major, and studying for and passing exams. But for nearly half of college students, food insecurity is a big concern, according to a recent nationwide survey from the Hope Center for College Community and Justice at […]

State of Utah Scholarships – 2019 Updates

This year, four major scholarships offered from the State of Utah have been updated. These scholarships include two academic, one new need-based scholarship, and one teaching scholarship.

Trending in higher ed: the value of college

How is value measured? The value of a higher education has been long debated. Some traditional colleges and universities have prided themselves on not only preparing their graduates for a career but creating well-rounded individuals that contribute a great deal to society as a whole which is seen as a significant noneconomic return on a […]

5 fast facts about Snow College

1. Snow is consistently ranked among the top colleges in America Ranked for its affordability, academic rigor, student success rate, involvement opportunities, and more, Snow College has consistently placed among the top colleges in America. CNN Money ranked Snow College #6 for its high graduation and/or transfer rates into a four-year university. ranked Snow […]

Gen Z: Three takeaways on the new generation of college students

A recent report by the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled The New Generation of Students discussed the differences in the newest generation hitting college campuses: Generation Z. Born between approximately 1995 and 2012, these new traditionally-aged college students are markedly different from generations even in the recent past when it comes to diversity, attitudes about […]

Trending in higher ed: Competency-based Education

What is Competency-based Education? Competency-based Education takes into account prior learning and is based on students’ mastery of knowledge or proficiency, skills, and abilities in a subject, rather than relying on a traditional, time-based learning structure which revolves around credit hours and grades. Through CBE, students progress through curriculum at their own pace, and as […]

By 2065, the share of Utah’s minority population will increase to 35%

According to a report from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, the share of Utah’s minority population will increase from approximately 20% in 2015 to 35% in 2065. Half of Utah’s population growth in this time span will come from minority populations. Among minority populations, Hispanics show the largest increase numerically with 850,000 new Utah […]