5 fast facts about Utah Valley University

1.) 38% of UVU students are 1st generation Thirty-eight percent of UVU students are first generation. In 2018, there were 1,280 first-generation student graduates from UVU. UVU provides mentoring, events, and support through its I Am First program, which automatically includes all first-generation students at UVU. Last year, President Astrid S. Tuminez announced a new […]
Top 10 facts about higher ed in Utah

1.) The Board of Regents’ top 2019 legislative priority is a statewide college access advising program, with a permanent, full-time college access advisor for every Utah high school by the 2021-22 school year. To better support Utah high school students on their path to college, the Board is introducing a statewide program that will put a […]
Bradley J. Cook named 17th president of Snow College

The Utah Board of Regents has unanimously selected Bradley J. Cook as the seventeenth president of Snow College. “Dr. Cook is a nationally respected scholar and dynamic leader in higher education,” said Harris Simmons, Chair of the Board of Regents. “His experience, vision, and dedication to academic excellence will ensure Snow College continues to thrive […]
Brad L. Mortensen named 13th president of Weber State University

The Utah State Board of Regents has selected Brad L. Mortensen as the thirteenth president of Weber State University. “President Mortensen brings both institutional familiarity and broad perspective to his new role as president of Weber State University. He is widely respected by our community partners, and is a thoughtful and effective higher education leader,” […]
Four finalists named in Weber State University presidential search

Public meetings with finalists Dec. 5; presidential appointment expected Dec. 6 After an extensive national search, the Weber State University Presidential Search Committee has recommended four finalists to the State Board of Regents for the position of Weber State President: Katherine P. Frank, Frank R. Lamas, Brad L. Mortensen, and Melody Rose. “The Weber State […]
Board of Regents approves budget and prioritizes USHE 2019-20 capital facilities requests
The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget request and prioritized the USHE capital facilities requests during its meeting on Friday, September 21, 2018 at the University of Utah in preparation for the 2019 Legislative Session. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of its institutions. […]
Utah’s higher ed leaders support Opinion Question 1
On September 19, 2018, the Commissioner of Higher Education, Dave Buhler, and presidents of the colleges and universities in the Utah System of Higher Education signed a letter expressing support for Opinion Question 1, which will be on the ballot this fall. The letter reads as follows: “As the leaders of Utah’s public colleges and […]
Celebrating a decade of college success training for Utah K-12 administrators and counselors
Ten years ago the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) hosted its first statewide conference for school administrators and counselors. Around 170 counselors attended that conference. Since then, the annual conference has quadrupled in size, with over 660 attendees at this year’s 10th annual USHE Conference for School Counselors and Administrators, including elementary, junior high, […]
my529 reaches $13 billion in assets under management
Utah’s 529 educational savings plan, fifth largest in the nation, experiencing rapid growth my529, Utah’s official college savings plan, has surpassed $13 billion in assets under management, less than a year after reaching the $12 billion mark. The latest milestone for Utah’s educational savings plan indicates that families value investing for higher education. A 2018 […]
UHEAA receives $40,000 National College Access Network FAFSA Completion Challenge Grant
Utah Higher Education Assitance Authority (UHEAA) and their community partners, including Granite School District, have been selected as a one of 25 recipients of the National College Access Network’s 2018-2019 FAFSA Completion Challenge Grant. The $40,000 grant will be used to improve FAFSA completion rates by at least five percentage points in West Valley City […]