
USHE institutions add 97 new certificate and degree programs in 2016

The Utah System of Higher Education’s (USHE) 2017-18 legislative budget priorities reflect the most pressing needs of USHE institutions, including the need to increase market demand programs such as data analytics, construction engineering, climate science, biochemistry, respiratory therapy, and human resource management. USHE institutions have started to take measures to add many of these market […]

Over 10,000 students attended StepUp events in 2016

The Utah System of Higher Education via their college readiness platform StepUp to Higher Education, has worked to increase college preparation awareness among Utah high school students, with a large emphasis on how to pay for college over the past few years. StepUp outreach officers work with individual high schools and school counselors to host […]

Investment in a college degree pays off by age 34

It takes an average of 12 years to recoup the cost of getting a bachelor’s degree, according to a new report from The College Board. College graduates with a full-time job earn 67% more than high school graduates working full-time, according to the latest update, Education Pays 2016. This doesn’t include those who went on to […]

Improving college completion in Utah

Timely completion is one of three objectives the Board of Regents decided to focus on for their ten-year strategic plan. Only about two in five students in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) complete their degree within 150% of time (six years for a bachelor’s, three years for an associate). Increasing the number of […]

Longitudinal data & higher education in Utah

longitudinal data

In recent years, longitudinal data has become an oft-referenced term in relation to educational data. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has long utilized longitudinal data to inform policy decisions and provide reporting information to the Board of Regents, the state legislature and other primary stakeholders. USHE has used a central data warehouse since […]

Projected growth in Utah high school graduates buck national trends in new report

After decades of growth and few years of decline, the nation is facing a decade of stagnating growth in high school graduates, according to a new report by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). The report, the latest update to its seminal study, “Knocking on the College Door”, projects high school graduates nationwide […]

2016 High School Feedback Reports

To show how Utah’s high school graduates are making the transition from high school to higher education, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) created the High School Feedback Reports. Now in their second year, these reports show the college performance of the 2014-15 high school graduating class who went on to enroll at a public […]

2016 Annual USHE Scholarship Report

USHE’s annual Scholarship Report for 2016 is now available. The scholarship programs are administered by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education and funded by the Legislature. This year, the Regents’ Scholarship continued to see increased growth with an almost 12% increase in awards from last year, with a total of 3,270* students qualifying […]

Annual update for Engineering and Computer Science Initiative

STEM Engineering

The Technology Initiative and Advisory Board (TIAB) recently released its 15th annual update to the Engineering and Computer Science Initiative. Established in 2001 with support from then-Governor Leavitt and the State Legislature (SB 61, Sen. Hillyard), the initiative’s primary objective is to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology […]

Regents establish working group on student mental health

The Board of Regents has appointed a special working group focused on student mental health at USHE institutions. The committee will be lead by Regents Pat Jones, Ty Aller, Jesselie Anderson, Mark Stoddard, and Nina Barnes. This action was part of a discussion facilitated by two Vice-Presidents of Student Affairs with the Board and USHE […]