
StepUp/UHEAA’s “You CAN Pay for College” event attendance increased 25% from last year

From September through November, Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority’s (UHEAA) Outreach team (operating under a joint StepUp/UHEAA platform) hosted 24 regional “You CAN Pay for College” evening events throughout Utah where high school students and parents learned about college savings, scholarships, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), grants, work-study programs, and student loans. The events […]

Workforce Services publishes annual report on intergenerational poverty

The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) released the 2015 Utah Report on Intergenerational Poverty, Welfare Dependency and the Use of Public Assistance. Overall, the report shows a growing economy influences the intergenerational  poverty (IGP) in Utah families. From 2013-2014, the share of both the adult and child intergenerational poverty cohorts decreased slightly. However, 31 percent […]

Wage Info on Utah College Graduates Gets Update

Since 2013, USHE has published aggregated wage information of college graduates. A valuable tool to understand potential earnings based on degree type, institution and specific areas of study. The data has been updated with the most recent Utah wage information available.

Gift aid a significant factor in making college more affordable

In order to better understand how Utah students are paying for college, a new analysis by the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) looks at the gift aid received by in-state, undergraduate students during the 2014 academic year. “Gift aid” is defined as funding for students that does not need to be repaid, such as scholarships and grants. […]

USHE launches pilot to address issue of Utahns with “some college, no degree”

Some College, No Degree Utah consistently ranks among the top states for number of individuals with “some college and no degree.” The most recent data from the Lumina Foundation’s 2015 report, A Stronger Nation through Higher Education, ranks Utah as the second-highest in the percentage of 25-64 year-olds who have completed some college but have not earned […]

USHE institutions help students explore free financial aid opportunities

The cat’s out of the bag: Utah has the lowest completion rate for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) of any state in the nation, with only 34% of eligible applicants filling it out.  The FAFSA is a primary step for students to obtain free federal financial aid, such as Pell grants, which […]