
Need for mental health services increases across Utah, including on higher ed campuses

There’s been a marked increase in Utahns seeking mental health services in recent years. This increase is exacerbated by a shortage of mental health professionals in Utah, especially in rural areas, and difficulty recruiting and retaining qualified professionals. In fact, most states have serious shortage issues for mental health professionals. Along with general statewide growth, there […]

2017 Legislative Update – Week 3

Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee met for its final scheduled hearing this week, focusing on the Board of Regents’ budget priorities for USHE. The committee also considered other budget requests. Understandably, the top priority of the subcommittee is to restore the 2% across-the-board budget cut. The subcommittee also voted to hold […]

2017 Legislative Update – Week 2

The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee The subcommittee met twice this week, hearing from seven of the eight USHE presidents. Each president advocated the Board of Regents’ unified budget priorities, highlighted notable accomplishments and provided compelling arguments of the critical need for increased state funding at their institutions. The subcommittee, as directed by the Executive Appropriations […]

2017 Legislative Update – Week 1

Overview The 2017 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 23, and will conclude Thursday, March 9. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be tracked and responses coordinated by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2017-2018 Budget According […]

Board of Regents FY18 budget priorities focus on strategic objectives, outcomes

The 2025 Strategic Plan of the Board of Regents, adopted in January 2016, projects USHE institutions need a combined annual average budget increase of 5% to fund new enrollment growth, student support, compensation, operation and maintenance of facilities, program development, and information technology needs. Over the past two years (FY 2016, 2017), the USHE operating budget […]

Longitudinal data & higher education in Utah

longitudinal data

In recent years, longitudinal data has become an oft-referenced term in relation to educational data. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has long utilized longitudinal data to inform policy decisions and provide reporting information to the Board of Regents, the state legislature and other primary stakeholders. USHE has used a central data warehouse since […]

Annual update for Engineering and Computer Science Initiative

STEM Engineering

The Technology Initiative and Advisory Board (TIAB) recently released its 15th annual update to the Engineering and Computer Science Initiative. Established in 2001 with support from then-Governor Leavitt and the State Legislature (SB 61, Sen. Hillyard), the initiative’s primary objective is to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology […]

Tuition & fees at Utah’s public institutions remain among lowest in the country

The College Board released its annual Trends in College Pricing Report that provides trend analysis on tuition and higher education financing. The report compares 2016-17 tuition and fees by state. Utah has consistently ranked among the top states with the lowest tuition for 4-year public institutions. In addition to having the lowest average student debt […]

New college readiness course available for high school counselors

This fall semester, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) is rolling out the final components to a major multi-year initiative to empower secondary counselors with improved tools in helping students prepare for college. College and Career Readiness training of counselors needs improvement. A 2012 survey of school counselors by the College Board found the […]

ESSA provides unique partnership opportunity for higher ed and K-12

Every Child Succeeds Act

Over the past several years, higher ed and K-12 in Utah have sought ways to work more closely to better serve students in transitioning from high school to college. The recent passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides a unique opportunity for higher ed and K-12 to ensure a seamless experience for students as they […]