
2016 Legislative Update – Week 3

Higher Education Budget The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee met for its final scheduled hearing this week, focusing on the Board of Regents’ budget priorities for USHE. The committee also considered other budget requests from other legislative sponsors. After the Board’s budget priorities by Chair Dan Campbell and Commissioner Buhler, Senator Howard Stephenson commented, “To the […]

2016 Legislative Update – Week 2

The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee met twice this week, focusing on the existing base budget for higher education as well as extensive discussion on career and technical education (CTE) at postsecondary institutions. More information is available from the USHE 2015 CTE Report. Presidents Dave Pershing of the University of Utah […]

2016 Legislative Update – Week 1

Overview The 2016 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 25, and will conclude Thursday, March 11. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be carefully tracked by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2016-2017 Budget According to […]

USHE building priorities are vital to keep up with student growth

Board of Regents Prioritization of Capital Development Projects Unlike local school districts in K-12 that use property tax for support of facilities, higher education must rely on state appropriated funding from the Legislature to fund its facilities. The Board of Regents annually reviews system-wide capital development needs and prioritizes project requests which are then considered […]

Every Student Succeeds Act passed by Congress, signed by President

The U.S. Senate on December 9 voted 85-12 in favor of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The bill is a rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to replace No Child Left Behind, which expired in 2007. ESSA marks a major compromise that emerged between Democrats and Republicans in recent months, largely scaling […]

Audit compares Career and Technical Education completions

A newly published legislative audit compares the data and reporting methods of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in the Utah System of Higher Education and the Utah College of Applied Technology. CTE certificates and degrees account for approximately 14 percent of all degrees awarded by USHE institutions. Career and technical education at USHE institutions […]

2016-17 USHE capital facilities requests prioritized by Board of Regents

In preparation for the 2016 legislative session, the Utah State Board of Regents prioritized the state-funded capital facilities requests from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) during the Board of Regents meeting at Utah State University on Friday, September 18. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of USHE institutions. This […]