Enrollment increases over 2% at Utah’s public colleges and universities
USHE sees the impact of returning LDS missionaries Utah’s public colleges and universities are seeing a 2 percent bump in enrollment this fall semester. After two consecutive years of flat enrollment growth, primarily driven by the missionary age change announced in fall 2012 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, returning missionaries are […]
Utah higher ed leaders support Higher Ed for Higher Standards
In the last two weeks, both the SAGE test results and the 2015 ACT report “The Condition of College and Career Readiness” show more Utah students need to graduate from high school ready for college. For example: Over half of students arriving on the campuses of Utah’s public colleges and universities need remediation in math, learning or re-learning […]
StepUpUtah.com, the best advice for Utahns on college prep and success
It can be difficult to sort through all the advice out there about how best to prepare for college. Luckily for Utah students, parents and educators, there is a newly redesigned website from the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) containing all of this information in an easy-to-navigate, fresh format: StepUpUtah.com. This summer, USHE […]
New study projects ROI for public colleges will surpass private colleges by 24% in 2025
The latest report from Payscale.com compares the projected return on investment (ROI) of a college education from public versus private colleges. While a degree from both types of institutions provides an ROI greater than just a high school diploma, the gap between the ROI of a public institution and a private one continues to grow. Payscale […]
Gift aid a significant factor in making college more affordable
In order to better understand how Utah students are paying for college, a new analysis by the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) looks at the gift aid received by in-state, undergraduate students during the 2014 academic year. “Gift aid” is defined as funding for students that does not need to be repaid, such as scholarships and grants. […]
USHE launches pilot to address issue of Utahns with “some college, no degree”
Some College, No Degree Utah consistently ranks among the top states for number of individuals with “some college and no degree.” The most recent data from the Lumina Foundation’s 2015 report, A Stronger Nation through Higher Education, ranks Utah as the second-highest in the percentage of 25-64 year-olds who have completed some college but have not earned […]
You’ve Applied for the Regents’ Scholarship. Now what?
Over 4,000 high school seniors from across the state applied for the Regents’ Scholarship by the February 1st deadline. This week, they are busy sending in final documents so they can be fully considered for the scholarship. The Regents’ Scholarship application process can be broken down into two parts: the initial review and the final […]
Plateau tuition: How can it help students?
In July 2013, the Utah State Board of Regents, with the support of presidents in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), adopted a Completion Resolution, which encourages the implementation of five key strategies to improve college completion in the state. What is Plateau Tuition? Plateau tuition – or “banded” tuition – is a set […]
USHE studying the college application process
In March 2014, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) kicked off a study to explore the feasibility of a statewide common college application. The study explored whether potential benefits and cost savings to students could be achieved by identifying areas of improvement during the application experience for students, including the possibility of a shared USHE-wide […]
Compared with nation, Utah has high rate of nontraditional students
Nationally, ‘traditional’ college students are on the rise. A recent report by the Urban Wire Institute discussed how, on a national scale, traditional college students (those 24 years old and under, and enrolled full-time) are actually a large percentage of the college population, and that percentage has risen in the past few years. The Institute […]