Students can finish general ed requirements and easily transfer institutions using certificates of completion
General education is a required component of any associate (AA/AS) or bachelor’s degree in Utah’s public colleges and universities. Students must take at least 27 college credits in core courses such as English, math, science, and history to complete their general education requirements. General education courses help students become well-rounded, expose them to different subjects, and ensure they have a […]
Tech use in higher ed continues to increase, but less than 3% of students enroll solely online
Technology plays an increasingly important role in college students’ lives. Students use technology throughout their college education, from courses taught partially or entirely online, to registration, instructor evaluations, and tuition payments. Completely online programs offered USHE institutions now offer 1,738 fully online courses, 140 of which were added in the last year. There are also […]
2016 Legislative Update – Week 1
Overview The 2016 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 25, and will conclude Thursday, March 11. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be carefully tracked by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2016-2017 Budget According to […]
USHE building priorities are vital to keep up with student growth
Board of Regents Prioritization of Capital Development Projects Unlike local school districts in K-12 that use property tax for support of facilities, higher education must rely on state appropriated funding from the Legislature to fund its facilities. The Board of Regents annually reviews system-wide capital development needs and prioritizes project requests which are then considered […]
Utah receives grant from National Governors Association to work on replicating Utah Aerospace Pathways project in other industries
Last week, the National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices announced six states—Indiana, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, Utah and Washington—will participate in the 2016 Policy Academy on Scaling Work-Based Learning. The 18-month leadership program focuses on helping state teams incorporate work-based learning into their overall talent pipeline as a way to establish clear career […]
Students earning college credit in high school increases 6%
Since 1985, Utah has provided an opportunity for prepared high school juniors and seniors to take college courses while still in high school. Through the Concurrent Enrollment program, students earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year at a college or university in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). […]
USHE works to improve college completion rates
College educated citizens make Utah’s economy stronger. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) wants to make sure that every student can get a meaningful credential in a timely manner. That means taking enough credits each semester, taking the right classes, and building upon strong academic preparation in high school. USHE recently released a report, College […]
USHE releases inaugural High School Feedback Reports
To show how Utah’s high school graduates are making the transition from high school to higher education, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) created the inaugural High School Feedback Reports. These reports show the college performance of the 2013-14 high school graduating class who went on to enroll at a public college or university in […]
Clarifying the stats on the educational attainment of women and men in Utah
The Salt Lake Tribune stories recently reported the rate at which women are earning bachelor’s degrees have “stumbled” since the mid-1990’s. A closer look at the data reveals a different picture.
2014 -15 USHE graduates will earn almost $400 million in increased wages this year
For 2014-15 graduates, the wage premium that results from increased educational attainment continues to grow.