Key Takeaways

45.5% attended college within one year of high school graduation.

Low-income students have to take remedial English courses at more than double the rate of the state average.

Few Utah high school graduates (4%) need to take remedial English courses, showing Utah students are generally prepared for college-level English work. One exception is low-income students, more than twice as many of whom need to take remedial English courses (9%).

While 51% of all students enrolled in the first semester took or had already earned credit for college-level math, only 37% of low-income students did.

Only 77% of low-income students, enrolled at USHE first semester, qualified for Pell grants.

This could be due to various reasons, including students not completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Utah continues to have the lowest FAFSA completion rate in the country.

Just 27% took 30 credits during their first year in college. 

The Board of Regents Completion Initiative (started in 2013) focuses on five proven strategies aimed at increasing college completion rates:

        1. Establish 15 credits per semester (30 credits per year) as full-time.
        2. Set plateau tuition levels, focusing on 12-15 credits.
        3. Create semester-by-semester degree program maps with specific recommended courses.
        4. Encourage students to enroll in math during their first year of college.
        5. Explore the feasibility of implementing reverse transfer/stackable credentials.