8:30 AM Committee of the Whole
8:50 AM Closed Session
9:30 AM Committee of the Whole
Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ADA Coordinator, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-646-4784), at least three working days prior to the meeting. TDD # 801-321-7130.
Utah Board of Higher Education
Utah System of Higher Education
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Committee of the Whole
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Javier Chavez, Jr.
Jon Cox
Amanda Covington
Sharon Eubank
Danny Ipson
Tina Marriott Larson
Steve Neeleman
Aaron Skonnard
Holly Talbot
Cydni Tetro
Office of the Commissioner
Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner
Geoff Landward, Deputy Commissioner and Government Relations Director
Nate Talley, Deputy Commissioner and CFO
Taylor Adams, Associate Commissioner of Student Affairs
Alison Adams-Perlac, General Counsel
Trisha Dugovic, Director of Communication
Malin Francis, Director of Facilities and Planning
Brynn Fronk, Executive Assistant to the Utah Board of Higher Education
Jared Haines, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner
Julie Hartley, Associate Commissioner of Academic Education
Vic Hockett, Associate Commissioner of Talent Ready Utah
Carrie Mayne, Chief Economist
Katie Mazzie, Director of Student-Centered Initiatives
Jefferson Moss, Innovation District at The Point Project Director
Natalie Reidhead, Administrative Assistant
Hilary Renshaw, Associate General Council
Melissa Van Hien, Office Manager / Executive Assistant to the Commissioner
Joe Wheeler, IT Support
Kim Ziebarth, Associate Commissioner of Technical Education
Other Guests
Cathy Anderson, Chief Financial Officer, University of Utah
Janalyn Brown, Staff Assistant, Utah State University
Ashley Marshall, Utah Foundation
Mitzi Montoya, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Utah
Lisa Moon, Executive Vice President, Bridgerland Technical College
Kevin Olsen, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General’s Office
Val Peterson, Vice President for Administration/Strategic Relations, Utah Valley University
Jacob Wright, Senior Budget & Policy Analyst, Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget
Institutional Presidents Present
Darin Brush, Davis Technical College Brad Mortensen, Weber State University
Mindy Benson, Southern Utah University Jordan Rushton, Dixie Technical College
Clay Christensen, Mountainland Technical College Jim Taggart, Ogden-Weber Technical College
Betsy Cantwell, Utah State University Wayne Vaught, Utah Valley University (acting)
Paul Hacking, Tooele Technical College Aaron Weight, Uintah Basin Technical College
Deneece Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College Richard Williams, Utah Tech University
Stacee McIff, Snow College Brennan Wood, Southwest Technical College
Commissioner Woolstenhulme called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
Commissioner Woolstenhulme welcomed the attendees. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Oath of Office
Brynn Fronk administered the Oath of Office to all the present Board members. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Board Leadership Appointment
Board member Larson moved to appoint the exceptional Amanda Covington to chair the Board of Higher Education. Board member Larson also moved the Board appoint Dr. Steve Neeleman to be the vice chair of the Board of Higher Education. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Recognition of Prior Board’s Accomplishments
Chair Covington recognized the accomplishments of the prior Board members. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Board member Skonnard called for the motion to go into closed session. Board member Eubank seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Closed Session
Board member Skonnard moved to end closed session. Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Committee of the Whole
Chair Covington welcomed the attendees. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Executive Staff & Presidents Introductions
Commissioner Woolstenhulme introduced the presidents and Utah System of Higher Education executive staff. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Duties and Responsibilities
Geoff Landward went over the duties and responsibilities of the Board, institutional boards of trustees, and institutional presidents. He informed the Board that they could review the responsibilities and duties and make changes. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Board Workflow
Geoff Landward shared the Board workflow process with the Board members. Some of the Board members asked for changes to be made to the process to ensure adequate information flow and detail. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Institutional Constituent Groups
Commissioner Woolstenhulme highlighted the institutional constituent groups within the system. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Institutional Roles and Mission
Commissioner Woolstenhulme reviewed the institutional roles and mission with the Board members. He clarified the region of the state where Utah State provides technical education. At the Board’s request, the Commissioner noted that the Office of the Commissioner can look at options to improve the Utah College Advising Corps (UCAC). It will be addressed at the November Board meeting. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Program Approval and Review Process
Julie Hartley trained the Board on the academic degree program approval process. A few Board members requested more conversation on the program review process. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
System Priorities and Strategic Plan
Commissioner Woolstenhulme introduced the system priorities and strategic plan. He emphasized that this is the new Board’s strategic plan that drives the work of the Office of the Commissioner. Before the next Board meeting, the Board should dive into the plan and send any proposed changes.
Taylor Adams walked the Board through the basics of the strategic plan and how it was created and changed. Members of the USHE executive staff reviewed the strategic plan topics, including System Leadership, Affordability, Completion, and Access. There was a discussion amongst Board members and staff regarding completion rates and credit transfer. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Talent Ready Utah Training
Vic Hockett provided Talent Ready Utah Training for the Board members. The Board members and Vic discussed jobs being filled by Utah graduates, the criteria for success within Talent Ready Utah, and the impacts of artificial intelligence on higher education. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Innovation and Commercialization
Jefferson Moss provided the Board with an update on the innovation and commercialization work his team is doing. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Data Dashboard Training
At Board member Tetro’s request, the presidents shared insights from the training thus far. Carrie Mayne reviewed the Data Dashboards with the Board. Board member Tetro asked the presidents their leading and lagging indicators of success, to which various presidents answered. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Finance and Facilities Training
In the interest of time, Nate Talley skipped training on the Budget Process, Financial Aid, Performance Funding, Capital, and Tuition. He trained the Board members on the Preliminary FY2025 Budget Proposals. There was a discussion amongst the group regarding the changes to performance funding. They also discussed shared services. Chair Covington requested that the Commissioner’s office create a work plan around shared services that the new Board can digest and find ways to participate. The Commissioner noted they will work on this and take it to the Council of Presidents to see what can work for the institutions and the Board. Board member Chavez requested basic financial information, to which Nate Talley responded that it would be sent to the Board. Board member Tetro expressed feeling unprepared or unhelpful without the insights of the presidents and asked for a working session to engage in dialogue with them. Board member Tetro moved that we have a meeting with the presidents with a preread before. Aaron Skonnard seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Preliminary FY2025 Budget Proposals Approval
Board member Eubank moved to adopt the preliminary fiscal year 2025 budget guidelines and priorities as presented. Board member Ipson seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
University of Utah Baseball Facilities Design Phase Approval
Cathy Anderson presented the University of Utah baseball facilities project. The University is seeking the Board to approve the project’s design, and they’ll return to the Board for approval in December. She noted that the construction will go out to bid once the design is done and approved. Vice Chair Neeleman moved to approve the planning and design for the new baseball stadium capital development project at the University of Utah, with the accompanying requirement that the University of Utah return to the Board in December 2023 for full project approval. Board member Eubank seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Utah Education Savings Board of Trustees Appointment
Commissioner Woolstenhulme reviewed the Utah Education Savings Board of Trustees appointment item with the Board members. Chair Covington asked for an update on my529 at the next Board meeting.
Board member Cox moved to appoint the following members to the Utah Education Savings Board of Trustees with terms expiring as follows:
Board member Tetro seconded the motion. Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Board Policy Amendments Based on Recent Legislation
Alison Adams-Perlac reviewed the policy amendments with the Board members. Chair Covington moved to approve the amended Board policies, repeal Board Policy R121, and direct institutions to implement the changes to Board Policy R472 in time for the 2023 fall semester. Board member Larson seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Consent Calendar
Board member Skonnard moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Board member Cox seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Legislative Affairs
Due to time restraints, this agenda item was moved to the December 2023 Board meeting. Chair Covington asked for information on legislative items. Commissioner Woolstenhulme stated that calendar invites will be sent to the Board members for the Education Interim Committee meetings and Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee meetings so they know when they are happening and can attend if they choose.
Open & Public Meetings Act Training
Kevin Olsen, assistant attorney general, provided training for the Board on open and public meetings. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Board Administrative Items
Brynn Fronk shared administrative items with the Board members. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
The group discussed coming together around a refreshed vision. Chair Covington asked the Board members to send her and Vice Chair Neeleman any thoughts. This was a discussion item only; no action was taken.
Chair Covington moved to adjourn. Board member Larson seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Geoffrey Landward, Secretary
Date Approved: November 3, 2023
Utah System of Higher Education
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