
How are Utah’s public colleges and universities conserving water on campus?

Amid concerns over an abnormally dry winter, Gov. Gary Herbert issued an executive order last week instituting water conservation practices for state agencies in Utah. Institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) have been working to conserve water on their campuses, from planting native plants and changing watering habits to installing water-wise bathroom facilities and state-of-the-art filtration systems. […]

National survey focuses on outcomes of new college graduates

A new survey of graduate outcomes on the graduating class of 2014 from over 200 U.S colleges and universities was released last week. Published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, this survey of over 274,000 graduates provides recent, relevant national data on the success of college graduates going into the workforce. Of the […]

Financing college: Student debt, default rates and Pell Grants in Utah

Overview From scholarships and grants to work-study programs and student loans, there are many ways of financing a college education. Only about half of Utah college students graduate with student loan debt (compared to seven in ten nationally), and the debt they do graduate with is much lower than the national average. Nearly 40% of USHE […]

SLCC pilots competency-based education with applied tech

Salt Lake Community College is among 40 colleges and universities nationwide experimenting with competency-based education and prior learning assessment, granting it a waiver from certain rules that govern federal financial aid. SLCC is leveraging a $2.5 million Department of Labor grant and existing college resources to roll out a competency-based education (CBE) delivery model at its School […]

What is ‘reverse transfer’ and a ‘stackable credential’?

In July 2013, the Utah State Board of Regents, with the support of presidents in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), adopted a Completion Resolution, which encourages the implementation of five key strategies to improve college completion in the state. What is reverse transfer? A stackable credential? Reverse Transfer Reverse transfer is a process where academic […]

USHE studying the college application process

In March 2014, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) kicked off a study to explore the feasibility of a statewide common college application. The study explored whether potential benefits and cost savings to students could be achieved by identifying areas of improvement during the application experience for students, including the possibility of a shared USHE-wide […]

Compared with nation, Utah has high rate of nontraditional students

Nationally, ‘traditional’ college students are on the rise. A recent report by the Urban Wire Institute discussed how, on a national scale, traditional college students (those 24 years old and under, and enrolled full-time) are actually a large percentage of the college population, and that percentage has risen in the past few years. The Institute […]

UESP spotlights the importance of saving for college with a 5∙29 Day promotion

Saving for college is an investment in a student’s future. Research by the U.S. Census Bureau shows college graduates earn an average of $1 million more in their lifetimes than high school graduates. But there is another reason to put aside money for college. Even a small amount of money saved in a tax-advantaged 529 […]

How often do students transfer institutions before college graduation?

Approximately half of USHE students attend more than one institution before graduation. (This does not include students taking Concurrent Enrollment courses in high school.) USHE students attend more than one institution at a higher rate than the national average of 32%. < Transfer from 2-year to 4-year institutions For students who transfer after completing a two-year degree, […]