New study projects ROI for public colleges will surpass private colleges by 24% in 2025
The latest report from compares the projected return on investment (ROI) of a college education from public versus private colleges. While a degree from both types of institutions provides an ROI greater than just a high school diploma, the gap between the ROI of a public institution and a private one continues to grow. Payscale […]
USHE studying the college application process

In March 2014, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) kicked off a study to explore the feasibility of a statewide common college application. The study explored whether potential benefits and cost savings to students could be achieved by identifying areas of improvement during the application experience for students, including the possibility of a shared USHE-wide […]
StepUP READY grant application now available

The Utah System of Higher Education is excited to announce the second annual StepUP READY application and grant funding process. In supporting Utah’s student success and college completion goals, with funding provided by the Utah State Legislature, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) invites grant applications from partnerships between school districts/local education authorities (LEAs) and […]
State Auditor publishes report on college prep and student success
The State Auditor’s Office released a report on the preparedness of college students as well as the success of students who attend USHE institutions. The report provides an independent analysis of the USHE data maintained by the Office of the Commissioner, which has been maintained since 1999 and provides foundational data for key reporting, including […]
ImPACT grant program works to increase number of low-income and underrepresented students who enter and succeed in college

ImPACT subgrants, administered by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education with funds provided by the College Access Challenge Grant, are awarded to programs run by institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education that work to significantly increase the number of low-income and underrepresented students who are prepared to enter and succeed in college. […]
Weber State University reaches out to K-12 students with ‘Brain Week,’ Latinos in Action conference
Brain Awareness Week Forty students from the Weber State University Neuroscience program volunteered to spend their spring break discussing the brain with about 1,300 students in area elementary, middle and high schools. During March 9-13, these students learned about the basic anatomy of the brain, including structures, functions, and interesting cases throughout history. Students also […]
A closer look at student utilization of online courses
Of the 167,317 students enrolled at a Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institution in Fall 2014, over one in four students is enrolled in at least one online course. Online course delivery has grown exponentially in the past 5 years. USHE now offers 81 degree and certificate programs entirely online. Such explosive growth in […]
Improving counselor training in college and career readiness

February 2-6 has been declared School Counseling Week in Utah. “School counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents, as these traits relate to career awareness and development,” said Governor Herbert in a declaration. The Governor’s timing of this declaration not only coincides with national events recognizing the role of […]
Continued state funding critical to higher education

The State Board of Regents, in partnership with the Governor and state Legislature, have taken significant steps to maintain state funding for public higher education in Utah. Utah’s historical trend in state funding support for higher education is similar to the nation’s – relatively flat levels of state funding at a time of significant student […]
Nearly 40% of USHE students received Pell Grant support in 2013-14
Pell Grants: An Overview The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post-graduate students to promote access to higher education. A Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not need to be repaid, and can be used at any one of approximately 5,400 participating postsecondary institutions nationwide. Grant amounts are dependent […]