A long-term look at Utah’s college age population
By 2065 the number of college age population (ages 18-24) living in Utah is projected to increase by 65% (an increase of 196,705 students) to reach half a million, while the school age population (ages 5-17) is projected to increase by 49% (an increase of 329,743 students) to reach nearly one million, according to recently […]
How are tuition waivers used across USHE?

What are tuition waivers? Tuition waivers are a type of financial aid used to help students pay for college. Student aid—a critical part of keeping college affordable—comes in many forms, including federal grants and scholarships. From a student perspective, all student aid serves the same purpose: reducing the out-of-pocket amount a student must pay for […]
Analyzing Utah’s college participation and completion patterns

In 2016, the Board of Regents adopted a 10-year strategic plan, Utah: A State of Opportunity, which includes two specific goals related to students’ participation and completion of higher education: 75% of Utah’s high school graduates would enroll in college within five years of high school graduation by the year 2025 Degree productivity at institutions […]
Introducing the newest members of the Board of Regents

Ronald W. Jibson served as Questar Corporation’s President and CEO and as a director from June 2010 to October 2016. He was appointed chairman of the board July 1, 2012. Jibson was also president and CEO of Questar subsidiaries Wexpro Company and Questar Gas Company, and as chairman of Questar Pipeline Company. During his 36-year […]
FAFSA completion in Utah up 39% over last year

According to a new analysis, completion of the 2017-18 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by eligible high school seniors has jumped an incredible 39% over last year. Source: http://website.education.wisc.edu/nwhillman/index.php/2017/06/09/october-to-june-high-school-fafsa-filing/ On average, FAFSA completions are up 10% across the country. These substantial increases could be attributed to the earlier filing timeline of the FAFSA for […]
Year-round Pell grants available July 1
The US Department of Education (ED) recently announced higher education institutions can begin to award year-round Pell grants for students starting July 1, 2017. Before these changes, students could only receive Pell grants for their fall and spring semesters. The change reinstates what was briefly implemented in 2009 but pulled back in 2012 due to […]
$2 million in Talent Ready Utah grants awarded for workforce development programs
At the conclusion of Workforce Week in Washington, D.C., 12 new Utah partnerships were awarded $2,125,000 in grants to better meet the state’s skilled workforce needs. Talent Ready Utah grants, formerly known as Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership grants, are designed to strengthen collaboration between industry, education and economic development leaders to create talent pipelines for […]
UESP to cut fee, expand age brackets for age-based options, add mutual funds
Changes will reduce cost, improve flexibility and diversity in college savings investments The Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) announced today that it is lowering the Administrative Asset Fee for nine of 14 investment options, effective July 14, 2017. UESP is also expanding the number of age brackets in all of its popular age-based investment options […]
12 key takeaways from the NCES Condition of Education 2017 report

The National Center for Education Statistics recently published its annual report, The Condition of Education 2017, which showcases national trends in education using data from the 2014-15 academic year. Below are higher education highlights from the report: 1.) The more education earned, the higher the medial annual earnings. For young adults ages 25–34 who worked full […]
Utah’s Senator Hatch introduces Bipartisan College Transparency Act to improve reporting of student outcomes
A bipartisan group of senators led by Utah’s Senator Hatch recently introduced legislation to overturn a federal prohibition on tracking the educational and employment outcomes of college students. The bill sponsors—all members of the Senate education committee—unveiled the College Transparency Act of 2017, which would allow the federal government, as well as families and prospective […]