2016 StepUp READY Grant Awards Announced
The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has announced awards for the StepUp READY mini-grant program (up to $75,000). This is the second year of mini-grants awarded to projects based on partnerships between local school districts and Utah higher education institutions. The purpose of the grants is to increase the number of Utah’s public high […]
Every Student Succeeds Act passed by Congress, signed by President
The U.S. Senate on December 9 voted 85-12 in favor of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The bill is a rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to replace No Child Left Behind, which expired in 2007. ESSA marks a major compromise that emerged between Democrats and Republicans in recent months, largely scaling […]
Utah receives grant from National Governors Association to work on replicating Utah Aerospace Pathways project in other industries
Last week, the National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices announced six states—Indiana, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, Utah and Washington—will participate in the 2016 Policy Academy on Scaling Work-Based Learning. The 18-month leadership program focuses on helping state teams incorporate work-based learning into their overall talent pipeline as a way to establish clear career […]
USHE releases inaugural High School Feedback Reports
To show how Utah’s high school graduates are making the transition from high school to higher education, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) created the inaugural High School Feedback Reports. These reports show the college performance of the 2013-14 high school graduating class who went on to enroll at a public college or university in […]
USHE releases ten-year strategic plan, open for public comment
Utah is a state of opportunity. As the state with the youngest population in the nation and a quickly growing economy, Utah is full of opportunity. It continually ranks as the top state for business, career opportunity and economic competitiveness. To maintain this upward trajectory, higher education is critical. Today’s jobs require an increasing amount of […]
Workforce Services publishes annual report on intergenerational poverty
The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) released the 2015 Utah Report on Intergenerational Poverty, Welfare Dependency and the Use of Public Assistance. Overall, the report shows a growing economy influences the intergenerational poverty (IGP) in Utah families. From 2013-2014, the share of both the adult and child intergenerational poverty cohorts decreased slightly. However, 31 percent […]
Wage Info on Utah College Graduates Gets Update
Since 2013, USHE has published aggregated wage information of college graduates. A valuable tool to understand potential earnings based on degree type, institution and specific areas of study. The data has been updated with the most recent Utah wage information available.
Math and Graduation: Overview of SB 196 – Math Competency Initiative
This is the fifth article in a multi-part series about math in high school and college leading to completion of a degree or certificate. The first article focused on math and high school preparation, the second on developmental/remedial math, the third on math and STEM, and the fourth on math instruction innovations at Weber State University. […]
U.S. Department of Education launches revised College Scorecard
The U.S. Department of Education has unveiled a new College Scorecard intended to better inform prospective students, the public, and policymakers about graduation rates and college students’ earnings once in the workforce. Any college or university in the United States eligible to participate in Federal Student Financial Assistance programs (e.g., credit-granting institutions) is available to […]
Utah higher ed leaders support Higher Ed for Higher Standards
In the last two weeks, both the SAGE test results and the 2015 ACT report “The Condition of College and Career Readiness” show more Utah students need to graduate from high school ready for college. For example: Over half of students arriving on the campuses of Utah’s public colleges and universities need remediation in math, learning or re-learning […]