Governor Herbert announces $2.1M in available Talent Ready Utah grants
At the Capitol Rotunda on March 21, 2017, Governor Gary Herbert unveiled the Talent Ready Utah initiative, including the accompanying grant program. Talent Ready Utah grants, formerly known as the Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership (UCAP), has more than $2.1 million in grant funding available for the purpose of developing and enhancing programs to meet industry needs, […]
SLCC’s Bridge to Success programs wins national award
Salt Lake Community College’s (SLCC) Bridge to Success program received the Most Innovate Program Award at Utah’s National Association for Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) conference last month. The program was initially funded by a an ImPACT subgrant in 2014 (now known as the StepUp READY grant), which is funded by the Utah System of Higher Education. […]
Commencement 2016: U of U, USU, DSU and SLCC celebrate their graduates

Utah’s colleges and universities have been celebrating the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies over the past two weeks. See photos from UVU, SUU, WSU & Snow College. University of Utah: 8,359 graduates Bachelor’s: 5,683 Master’s: 2,193 Doctorate: 695 Juris Doctorate: 124 Doctors of Medicine: 81 Doctors of Pharmacy: 57 Utah State University: 6,039 graduates Associate: 1,080 […]
SLCC pilots competency-based education with applied tech
Salt Lake Community College is among 40 colleges and universities nationwide experimenting with competency-based education and prior learning assessment, granting it a waiver from certain rules that govern federal financial aid. SLCC is leveraging a $2.5 million Department of Labor grant and existing college resources to roll out a competency-based education (CBE) delivery model at its School […]