Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Wilford W. Clyde
Sanchaiti Datta
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
JaKell Larson
Steve Lund
Robert S. Marquardt
Robert W. Prince
Mark Stoddard
Teresa L. Theurer
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Daniel W. Campbell
Cristina Ortega
Office of the Commissioner
David L. Buhler, Commissioner of Higher Education
Blair Carruth for Elizabeth Hitch, Associate Commissioner of Academic Affairs
Kimberly Henrie, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Norm Tarbox, Weber State University
Other Commissioner’s Office and institutional personnel were also present. The signed role is on file in the Commissioner’s Office.
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
Oath of Office
Having been appointed to the Board of Regents, Sanchaita Datta took the Oath of Office, administered by Chair Simmons.
Discussion – Legislative Audits 2018-11 and ILF 2018-D
Charis Simmons opened the discussion by saying we want to talk about the recent audits and what has been done since the release of the audit information.
Commissioner Buhler said he would be focusing on the audit titled Performance Audit of the Board of Regents. It included ten recommendations; we agree with all ten recommendations and are in the process of implementing them; three have already been implemented (recommendation 3, 8, and 9). Five recommendations will be addressed by the regents in tomorrow’s meeting and three will be fully implemented by March 2019, one in January, and the final recommendation will be implemented in the near future.
Commissioner Buhler said he was present for a meeting with the Legislative Audit Committee and the Legislative Auditors. Questions to the auditors dealt with the system and institutional metrics, which we have been working on for months. Proposed metrics will be presented tomorrow. He said he was disappointed in the auditor’s response to questions regarding the metrics; they stated nothing is happening in this area. Commissioner Buhler was able to respond and correct the auditors, stating the Regents have been working on this for months and will be adopting metrics in the November Board meeting. He also said he heard back from the Executive Appropriations Committee and they appreciated his clarification that regents are actively working on this issue.
Regent Wright began by saying what bothered him about the audit was when they addressed the public hearings regarding tuition. How do we improve the public part of the process? It seems students should have a bigger say than what they have. This is about students and their ability to obtain an education and pay for it. How can we improve on this process?
Commissioner Buhler responded this is part of the reason we are moving to the two-day Board meeting in March. He also stated the institutions go through a process before requesting tier-two tuition increases, and there has always been a truth in tuition hearing.
President Cockett noted USU has a two-step process. They meet first with student government and talk about what the tuition will be used for, what will happen with tier 1 and what do we want to do with tier 2. They ask for ideas and recommendations from student government, they vote on the recommendations and then it is brought to President Cockett. After the legislature ends they hold a public hearing and invite students; they provide a history of tuition increases to students as well as a comparison to other similar institutions. Students have already expressed their thoughts and concerns before it goes to the regents. She said students are engaged and she’s not sure how to engage more students.
President Watkins said the same type of process happens at the U. In order to gain more student participation, they have gone to a two-hour open house. They talk about what has been done with tuition in the past, how are we investing the dollars, and how will we invest. Nothing in the audit is troubling; we are already doing this. What is troubling is that the auditors didn’t get this information. We cannot make students participate. The fact is student participation is light, but not for the lack of effort.
Regent Larson said she met with the Utah Student Association Presidency, as well as the committee as a whole. They like the communication they have with presidents and their institution. What scares them is what the system is doing as a whole and decisions are made on a state level without dialogue. There is a lack of trust; they would like to know what the regents are asking for and why.
Commissioner Buhler said we talked about having the Student Regent help make sure students are aware of the public hearing for tuition increases.
Regent Clyde asked about having a more formal hearing at each institution and have regents attend them; regents then report back at the formal hearing with the Board. Regent Marquardt said it seems better to not create more meetings, but have regents attend the existing hearings already held at the institutions.
Regent Wright added if we are making the final decisions on tuition as regents, then regents need to interact more with students.
Regent Jones said it would be helpful to educate students on how funding works.
President Carlston said Snow has been holding hearings each year. They have a student fee committee and they make a recommendation. It is an educational process and he would like to have more student participation. We also welcome regents to join the meetings and believe it would be very beneficial.
Regent Theurer said it is very important for students to be involved, but sometimes we get beat up by parents. We should also invite parents as they don’t understand how tuition works and they need to be educated as well.
President Williams said often times students want the increases to provide the services they want. Having the Resource and Review team, along with trustees attend the truth in tuition meetings could be helpful.
Regent Prince thought utilizing the Resource and Review visit by visiting with students regarding tuition would be a could use of time. This would mean some advance preparation.
President Tuminez ask if there is a tuition crisis in Utah. UVU has a formal process as well and sometimes students are willing to pay fees for the services they want. If the audit says the process is not robust enough, then we should address that, but she does not want to create a crisis when there is not one.
Chair Simmons thinks we could do a better job as part of the onboarding to educate new regents so they understand what the sources and uses of funds are in the system. He doesn’t believe we have a crisis with tuition, but a bit of one with legislators and how they perceive regents are doing their job. We shouldn’t’ get complacent because we haven’t had a real crisis with tuition, but we should not be focusing on tuition as much as we should cost and quality. We should give continued thought and work with presidents to have good data on the cost of degrees. If we focus on cost and quality, that gives us license to go to the legislature and say we are doing a good job and ask them to do a good job by keeping it affordable. He believes the legislature is asking us to be responsible. If we focus on costs and quality the rest becomes easier. We focus too much on what tuition looks like.
President Watkins agreed and said we are here to raise educational attainment, not necessarily reduce tuition.
Regent Clyde said the legislators are frustrated because we ask for money, but they don’t know how the money is being used. We need to figure out how to measure results; we need to get more involved with legislators; they don’t know all the good things happening.
Regent Jones said we have a communication problem. Institutions do a good job of articulating what their value is; regents need to do a better job communicating what that value is.
Regent Lund said we are doing a better job managing tuition than we get credit for. We need to touch every student and provide them with an opportunity to act.
President Tarbox said he doesn’t know of a more proactive group of regents. This disconnect is not because of lack of effort. The issues are primarily communication and messaging.
President Barnes said this is an opportunity to communicate and lead.
Regent Wright said is comes down to what are the students thinking. He feels the audit is calling into question the need for the Board to exist. We need the data to make informed decisions. What matters at the end of the day is how much the students value the degree. Utah has always lead the way in higher education and this is our opportunity to step up again by redefining what it means to get a college degree.
There was some discussion about online education: what is offered, the cost of online courses, the low rate of completion, and the value of face to face education.
There was some discussion on what are we really trying to accomplish in higher education. What are today’s employer’s looking for? What are we trying to teach students? President Tuminez said this is an opportunity for regents to say “These are not degrees to nowhere, they are degrees to anywhere.”
Regent Marquardt said the audit frustrates him because, yes we can improve in a lot of areas, but in the 11 years he has been on the Board there has been a dramatic improvement. USHE is a phenomenal success story and one of the most sufficient systems in the country.
President Watkins said the real problem we have is not enough people are earning the degree they came for and in a timely manner. This should be the number one thing we are working on. The action of keeping tuition costs the lowest is bad, the core issue is getting students the credentials they came for.
Regent Marquardt said he is impressed on how far we’ve come and we are headed in the right direction.
Regent Barnes said it was interesting to hear at the audit hearing three questions: (1) Where is the money going, (2) What are we investing in, and (3) What is the Board of Regents doing? She wants to make sure we are leading out and tonight’s conversation was a great start.
Commissioner Buhler added the office has been working for a while on a way to stream the committee meetings and starting with tomorrow’s meetings, the committee meetings will be streamed and posted. This is a step forward in transparency.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Wilford W. Clyde
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
JaKell Larson
Steve Lund
Robert S. Marquardt
Robert W. Prince
Mark Stoddard
Teresa L. Theurer
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Daniel W. Campbell
Sanchaiti Datta
Cristina Ortega
Office of the Commissioner
David L. Buhler, Commissioner of Higher Education
Julie Hartley for Elizabeth Hitch, Associate Commissioner of Academic Affairs
Kimberly L. Henrie, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Institutional Presidents Present
Cathy Anderson for Ruth Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Norm Tarbox, Weber State University
Other Commissioner’s Office and institutional personnel were also present. The signed role is on file in the Commissioner’s Office.
Discussion – Review of Roles and Responsibilities of Regents and Commissioner
Geoff Landward, Commissioner’s Office provided training on the roles and responsibilities of the Utah State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Higher Education. There was a discussion on how to make materials available to Regents earlier than they currently receive to allow more review time.
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
President’s Report
President Williams said Dixie has a great strategic plan and the faculty and staff are anxiously engaged in it. We are here because of students and sometimes we don’t focus enough on the students and the fact we are here to help make their dreams come true. He shared a video students and faculty created that demonstrates Dixie’s active learning, active life motto. Dixie has six goals that are part of the strategic plan, which is called Status to Stature. This year they had their first external validation; Dixie was ranked 26th in the regional category in the west and 7th in public schools. He noted he would share some highlights of the first four goals, starting with student success. There is a new Student Success center and they have implemented the new Starfish program, which is an early alert system to identify students at risk; they have a rigorous onboarding process; and they have received a $250,000 donation to help with retention programs. Lastly, in effort to help with student success is the need for student housing. They will be proposing additional campus housing with Campus View Suites 2. The second goal is broadening and enhancing academic programs. Dixie’s approach has been to limit the diversity of their programs. The goal was to have 42 new programs by 2020 and they are currently at 43. They have increased their online programs; they have also increased their active learning on campus. The third goal is compensation for faculty and staff. The goal is to bring salaries to 100% of the 2015 baseline. The last goal is focusing on diversity, and this year hired the first chief diversity officer. They have done well in increasing diversity in faculty. The goal was 11.5% and they are at 12% for the year. The 2020 goal for women in leadership roles is 40% and they are currently at 38%; they started at 22%. The 2020 goal for minorities in administration is 12% and they are at 8% currently.
Consent Calendar (TAB Y)
On a motion by Regent Prince and seconded by Regent Anderson the following items were approved on the Regents’ General Consent Calendar
A. Minutes – Minutes of the Board meeting September 20 & 21, 2018, University of Utah, Salt Lake, Utah.
B. Grant Proposals
C. Awards
D. Academic and Student Affairs Items
Amendment to 2018-19 Board of Regents Meeting Schedule (TAB Z)
Regent Jensen made a motion to approve the schedule change as outlined in TAB Z; the motion was seconded by Regent Clyde and the motion passed.
USHE – System Strategic Metrics (TAB AA)
Chair Simmons noted Regents have had discussions over the last couple of meetings and is hopeful to approve the metrics today. Commissioner Buhler has worked closely with presidents. Commissioner Buhler noted seven metrics have been identified as follows: General Attainment, Access, Affordability, Timely Completion, Workforce and Research, Effective Use of Resources, Instruction Related Classroom Space Utilization. Each metric is based on verifiable data and includes a goal. Chair Simmons said he hopes this is a starting point and not an end point. Regent Jensen asked if there is anything that will measure how we are doing with the underserved population. Commissioner said not specifically but affordability correlates with first generation population and making sure we stay affordable does impact the underserved. Kimberly Henrie noted we will start aggregating the formula; it’s on the radar and coming. Regent Marquardt said this is a great start. It seems in the future we could bring them under more of a general format to achieve more system goals. President Huftalin notes SLCC is very interested in participation of the underserved. President Cockett said she wanted to highlight the mission of Utah State in her goals and used more traditional graduate and retention and then added research and outreach to recognize the extension mission. She believes we can get to institutional metrics that will work across the system, but hopes it will continue to highlight the institutional needs. Regent Barnes asked if presidents still have concerns. President Williams said yes there are still concerns that need to be addressed. Commissioner Buhler said concerns of the presidents are being addressed. President Huftalin wants to make sure as we move forward these metrics are helping and advancing the institution and system. The goal is to help students and institutions to be more successful. Regent Clyde said it is important to identify the metric, set the goal, meet the goal, and then decide where to go from there. President Carlston said Snow has taken the system goals and personalized for Snow College. Commissioner Buhler went through each metric and goal in detail. There was a lot of discussion about the metrics and how the goals are being set and tracked, specifically dealing with Use of Resources. Chair Simmons reminded everyone that the Regents have a statutory requirement to not only establish metrics, but to delineate the expected contribution as an individual intuition towards the goals. Wright said the biggest mistake in metrics is not doing it and trying to create the perfect upfront and sacrificing the good. We can all agree these are good metrics, but we can improve them to great metrics down the road. The most important thing is to not continue to have the conversation, but start measuring, and if they don’t work we can move forward. Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB AA and added the Commissioner should come back with institutional goals; the motion was seconded by Regent Wright and the motion passed.
USHE – Institutional Metrics (TAB BB)
Commissioner Buhler asked for feedback from the Board on how to determine institutional metrics. One way is to have the similar or the same, or would you rather have them be individualized with an emphasis based on areas that are most important to student success at that institution with their benchmarks and goals? Chair Simmons said it really is a combination of both. Regent Marquardt made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB BB, directing the Commissioner to work with presidents on institutional metrics; the motions was seconded by Regent Jibson and the motion passed.
Update on the Statewide College Access Advising Initiative (TAB CC)
Commissioner Buhler noted he has identified 1 million from the Commissioner’s office that can be redirected to support this initiative. The total cost is estimated to be 7 million, so the request to the legislature will be for 6 million. We want to begin now with the 1 million, identifying areas to start the outreach by putting college advisors in place. Regent Marquardt asked what will happen if the legislature does not approve the 6 million request. The answer is we will not be able to expand the program and will continue with the areas already in place. Commissioner Buhler noted the starting places have not yet been identified. Regent Clyde asked who the counselors will be employed by and noted there is some concern if the employees are employed by an institution. Commissioner Buhler noted this was a University of Utah initiative and they are currently employed by the U, but will be under the Commissioner’s office. The counselors are not recruiting for any one institution but are working to find the best match for the student.
The intent is this will be a statewide initiative under the Commissioner’s office. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Academic and Student Affairs
Transfer and Articulation
Regent Theurer noted they heard about data being collected, will continue to work on a single identification number for students. This was a discussion item; no action was taken.
Women in Leadership Mentoring Exchange Proposal (TAB A)
Regent Theurer noted this was a discussion on how to better prepare women for leadership positions. This was a discussion item; no action was taken.
Adoption of Policy R615, Talent Development Incentive Loan Program (TAB B)
Regent Theurer noted this program was passed in the last legislative session and allows students to get loans for qualifying jobs, determined by GOED, those jobs that would be eligible. Regent Theurer made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB B with small grammatical changes still to be made; the motion was seconded by Regent Jensen and the motion passed.
Revision and Policy Title Change R805, Women and Minorities in Faculty and Administrative Positions (TAB C)
Regent Theurer noted this item will be moved to another meeting; no action was taken.
Revised Regents’ Mental Health Recommendations (TAB D)
Regent Theurer noted this item will be moved to another meeting; no action was taken.
University of Utah – Dental School Progress and Partnerships
Regent Theurer noted they received information on progress of the dental school as it reaches its sixth year. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Finance and Facilities
USHE – Revision of Policy R510 & Adoption of Policies R514, R515, R516 (TAB E)
Regent Stoddard noted this revision is to create a new tuition setting process that eliminated the requirement for a uniform first-tier tuition increase, and eliminated the two-tier tuition structure to an institution specific tuition adjustment proposal based on institution specific needs and priorities. The recommendation also includes dividing the current policy into four policies related to tuition, fees, refunds of tuition and excess credit hour surcharges. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB E; the motion was seconded by Regent Anderson and the motion passed.
USHE – Revision of Policies R565 & R567 (TAB F)
Regent Stoddard noted these changes are in response to recommendations made in the Legislative Audit of the Board of Regents. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB F; the motion was seconded by Regent Jibson and the motion carried.
USHE – Adoption of Policy R571, Noncapital Asset Inventory and Tracking (TAB G)
Regent Stoddard noted this policy is being adopted due to the findings and recommendations from the Legislature associated with A Legislative audit of institution inventory and security controls. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB G and authorized the Commissioner’s Office to file an Administrative Rule adopting these changes into Administrative Code R765-571; the motion was seconded by Regent Wright and the motion passed.
USHE – Revision to Policy R345, Information Technology Resource Security (TAB H)
Regent Stoddard noted the revisions to this policy is to update the policy as necessary to adapt to the evolving threats. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB H; the motion was seconded by Regent Barnes and the motion passed.
USHE – Revision to Policy R513, Tuition Waiver and Reductions (TAB I)
Regent Stoddard noted these changes are to better align the policy with the State Statute language authorizing the tuition waiver. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB I; the motion was seconded by Regent Anderson and the motion passed.
USHE – Institutional Non-State Funded Projects for 2019-20 (TAB J)
This item was included in the motion under TAB O.
University of Utah – Campus Master Plan Amendment (TAB K)
This item was included in the motion under TAB O.
University of Utah – Property Acquisition (TAB L)
This item was included in the motion under TAB O.
University of Utah – Authorization for Legislative Bond Authority (TAB M)
Item pulled by institution; no action was taken.
University of Utah – Lease Renewal (TAB N)
This item was included in the motion under TAB O
USHE – 2018-19 Information Technology Operating Plan (TAB O)
This motion was included in the motion under TAB O.
Regent Stoddard said instead of going through TABS J, K, L, N, O, he would make a motion to approve as outlined; the motion was seconded by Regent Jibson and the motions passed.
USHE – Approval Board of Trustee Audit Committee Membership (TAB P)
Regent Stoddard noted this item is to appoint audit committee members for all eight institutions of higher education. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve the list of Trustee Audit Committee members for each of the eight USHE institutions as outlined in TAB P; the motion was seconded by Regent Anderson and the motion passed.
USHE – Tuition and Student Aid Scope Approval (TAB Q)
Regent Stoddard noted the Board is asked to review and take action of the final scope of work document associated with the Board’s Tuition and Student Aid policy study. The proposed study will address the following three actions: Conduct a tuition and student aid policy baseline assessment; Identify the value of nonresident students to the USHE institutions and state of Utah; and Identify potential options for the Board to consider when defining affordability and appropriate system metrics. Regent Stoddard moved to approve as outlined in TAB Q; the motion was seconded by Regent Wright and the motion passed.
University of Utah – Trustee Property Action (TAB R)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Certification for State’s Moral Obligation Pledge (TAB S)
Regent Stoddard noted Utah Code requires the Chair of the Regents to certify annually any amount required to restore debt service reserve funds or to meet projected shortfalls of principal or interest for the coming year. All USHE institutions confirm they have sufficient financial resources to make all debt service payments for calendar year 2019. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Annual Institutional Residences Expense Report (TAB T)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Annual Report on Leased Space (TAB U)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Annual Contracts and Grants Report (TAB V)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Fall 2018 Third-week Enrollment Report (TAB W)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – 2017-18 End-of-year Enrollment Report (TAB X)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Regent Jensen made a motion to move into executive session; the motion was seconded by Regent Barnes and the motion carried. Regent Theurer made a motion to close executive session and the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.