Utah Board of Higher Education
Cottonwood Country Club
Friday, May 21, 2021
8:00–8:30 AM Closed Session
8:30–10:30 AM Committee of the Whole
8:30–8:45 AM Welcome and Resolutions – Chair Simmons
8:45–9:15 AM Committee Update – Committee Chairs TAB A
9:15–9:20 AM Audit Committee Report – Vice-Chair Barnes TAB B
9:20–9:40 AM Performance Funding – Rich Amon and Carrie Mayne TAB C
9:40–9:50 AM Strategic Plan Adoption – Commissioner Woolstenhulme TAB D
9:50–10:05 AM UHEAA Update – Dave Schwanke TAB E
10:05–10:20 AM my529 Update – Richard Ellis TAB F
10:20–10:35 AM Action Items:
10:35–11:05 AM Dixie State University Discussion – President Williams
11:05 AM–4:00 PM Board Retreat
11:05–12:00 PM Missions and Roles Discussion TAB M
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
12:30–1:15 PM Statutory responsibilities – Geoff Landward TAB N
1:15–1:45 PM Board Workflow/Committees Roles – Geoff Landward and Dave Woolstenhulme TAB O
1:45–2:10 PM Understanding the Research/Analysis Board Lever – Carrie Mayne, Laura Zemp, and Zachary Barrus
2:10–3:00 PM Fostering our Equity Lens Framework Towards Action – Kilo Zamora and Laís Martinez
3:00–3:20 PM OneUtah –Education Advisor Brittney Cummins
3:20–4:00 PM Utah’s Demographic Transformation: Implications for Higher Education – Pam Perlich and Carrie Mayne
4:00 PM The Road Ahead – Chair Harris Simmons
Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ADA Coordinator, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-646-4783), at least three working days prior to the meeting. TDD # 801-321-7130.
Utah System of Higher Education
Cottonwood Country Club
Friday, May 21, 2021
Board Members Present
Harris H. Simmons, Chair
Aaron Osmond, Vice-Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice-Chair
Wilford W. Clyde
Jesselie B. Anderson
Jera L. Bailey
Arthur E. Newell
Patricia Jones
Lisa-Michele Church
Scott Theurer
Crystal Maggelet
Shawn Newell
Candyce Damron
Glen Rivera
Alan E. Hall
Mike Angus
Sanchaita Datta
Board Members Absent
Stacey K. Bettridge
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Chief Financial Officer
Geoffrey Landward, Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel
Julie Hartley, Associate Commissioner of Academic Education
Jessica Gilmore, Associate Commissioner of Workforce Development
Spencer Jenkins, Chief Student Affairs Officer
Carrie Mayne, Chief Economist
Melanie Heath,
Malissa Jones, Office Manager
Institutional Presidents Present
Chad Campbell, Bridgerland Technical College
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University Clay Christensen, Mountainland Technical College Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College Scott L. Wyatt, Southern Utah University Paul Hacking, Tooele Technical College Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University |
Darin Brush, Davis Technical College
Kelle Stephens, Dixie Technical College Jim Taggart, Ogden-Weber Technical College Brad J. Cook, Snow College Brennan Wood, Southwest Technical College Aaron Weight, Uintah Basin Technical College Noelle Cockett, Utah State University Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University |
Committee of the Whole
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Resolution of Appreciation for President Williams
Board Chair Simmons read the resolution for President Williams. On a motion by Vice-Chair Barnes and seconded by Board member Theurer the Resolution of Appreciation was adopted.
Resolution to Support and Celebrate Juneteenth Within the Utah System of Higher Education
Board member Shawn Newell read the resolution to the Board. On a motion by Vice-Chair Osmond and seconded by Board member Church the Resolution of Support was adopted.
Resolution of Appreciation for Candyce Damron
Board Chair Simmons read the resolution for Candyce Damron. On a motion by Board member Church and seconded by Board member Anderson the Resolution of Appreciation was adopted.
Resolution of Appreciation for Glen J. Rivera
Board Chair Simmons read the resolution for Glen J. Rivera.
Resolution of Appreciation for Dr. Ruth V. Watkins
Board Chair Simmons read the resolution for Ruth Watkins. On a motion by Board member Anderson and seconded by Board member Barnes President Ruth Watkins was given the designation of President Emeritus. On a motion by Board member Clyde and seconded by Chair Simmons, the Board adopted the Resolution of Appreciation.
Committee Updates (TAB A)
Committee updates were provided by Board member Church, Board member Arthur Newell, Board member Shawn Newell, and Board member Clyde. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Audit Committee Update (TAB B)
Vice-Chair Barnes gave a brief updated for Board members on the Audit Committee meetings. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Performance Funding (TAB C)
Rich Amon and Carrie Mayne reviewed the new performance funding model with the Board. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Strategic Plan Adoption (TAB C)
Commissioner Woolstenhulme and Melanie Heath provided next steps review of the Strategic Plan.
Vice-Chair Osmond made a motion that the Board adopted the framework for the next five years and directed the Commissioner’s office to begin implementation of the strategic plan, as well as report back on progress of the strategic plan at each Board of Higher Education Committee of the Whole, starting on September 17, 2021. And based on discussion the addition of the sixth priority. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Barnes and the motion passed.
Dixie State University Discussion
President Williams provided a summary of the Dixie State University mission and an overview of the strategic plan. He discussed their polytechnic academic model. Board member Osmond asked that the Commissioner’s office provide a definition of Polytechnic and what it means for the Utah System of Higher Education.
UHEAA Update (TAB E)
Dave Schwanke provided Board members with an update on the UHEAA strategic plan. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
my529 Update (TAB F)
Richard Ellis provided Board members with an update on the my529 strategic plan. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Dixie State University’s University College Proposal (TAB G)
Board member Arthur Newell and Julie Hartley provided a summary of the Dixie State University college proposal. Board member Arthur Newell motioned that the Board approve the creation of a University College at Dixie State University. The motion was seconded by Board member Damron and the motion passed.
Tech Education Credit Policy (TAB H)
Kim Ziebarth reviewed the taskforce findings and recommendation with the Board members. Board member Clyde made the motion to approve the development of policy to support the transition of USHE institutions from clock-hours to credit hours. The motion was seconded by Board member Bailey and the motion passed.
Scholarship Policy (TAB I)
Board member Church reviewed the changes to Board Policy R608, Opportunity Scholarship. Vice chair Osmond made the motion to approve the proposed Board Policy R608, Opportunity Scholarship. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Barnes and the motion passed.
Custom Fit (TAB J)
Jared Haines discussed the Custom Fit program with the Board. Board member Shawn Newell made a motion to adopt changes to Technical College Policy 202 and re-number it as Board Policy R 432, effective immediately. The motion was seconded by Board member Church and the motion passed.
Emerging Tech (TAB K)
Jessica Gilmore asked the Board member to submit potential advisory board member names to the Commissioner’s office for the Deep Technology Advisory Council. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Recommendation for Online Instruction
Chair Simmons provided information on a new position in the Commissioner’s Office. Vice-Chair Barnes made the motion to approve the Commissioner hiring, establishing and filling the Online Instruction position. The motion was seconded by Board member Arthur Newell and the motion passed.
General Consent Calendar (TAB L)
Board member Arthur Newell made a motion to approve the consent calendar. The motion was seconded by Board member Bailey and the motion passed.
Board Retreat
The following items were discussed during the retreat portion of the meeting:
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Utah System of Higher Education
The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
General: 1-801-646-4784
Scholarships: 1-801-646-4812
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