Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Wilford W. Clyde
Sanchaiti Datta
Marlin K. Jensen
Patricia Jones
JaKell Larson
Steve Lund
Robert S. Marquardt
Cristina Ortega
Robert W. Prince
Teresa L. Theurer
Regents Absent
Daniel W. Campbell
Ron Jibson
Mark Stoddard
Thomas E. Wright
Office of the Commissioner
David L. Buhler, Commissioner of Higher Education
Elizabeth Hitch, Associate Commissioner of Academic Affairs
Kimberly L. Henrie, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L. Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad Mortensen, Weber State University
Gary Carlston, Snow College
Other Commissioner’s Office and institutional personnel were also present. The signed role is on file in the Commissioner’s Office.
Discussion – Legislative issues
This was a discussion about the upcoming legislative session. Regent Jones began by saying she, along with the communication committee, feels like the best use of their time is to focus on building relationships and credibility. The top four items Regents will be focusing on this year are Statewide College Advisors, College Access Scholarship, Capitol Facilities, and Prior Learning and Transfer. She feels most Legislators understand the importance of higher education. She also noted the College Access Scholarship is something that is very important to Regents and the committee whole-heartedly endorses. Regent Larson expressed the importance of the Statewide College Advisors and feels this goes hand in hand with the College Access Scholarship. Regent Jones turned the time over to Representative Owens to share information and ideas on the College Access Scholarship.
Representative Owens said he would like to work with Regents on this scholarship. The idea is to help disadvantaged students that are being left behind. He believes the Regents’ Scholarship has become an entitlement instead of helping those in need. He would like to discontinue the Regents’ and New Century Scholarship programs and implement the College Access Scholarship. This scholarship would be limited to public institutions and would be granted for up to four semesters. He said this would change financial aid across the state.
Regent Theurer applauded Representative Owens, Regent Marquardt agreed. President Watkins said this is the right thing to do and supports it. Representative Owens said the institutions and not Regents should handle the distribution and service of the scholarship. Regent Jones ask Tami Pyfer what the Governor thought of this program. Tami Pyfer said they are excited about the direction. The Governor has set aside 50 million dollars in one time money to put into an endowment for this very purpose. They have not seen the bill yet, so she cannot say they will be supporting it; however she can say this concept is exactly what the Governor had in mind. She said they also have 6 million for the Regents’ Statewide College Advisors and 30 million for school counseling, which would include mental health, school nurses, social workers, and anything that supports mental health for K-12 in the budget.
Commissioner Buhler thanked Representative Owens for his leadership and said this is a great direction. He clarified that students already awarded the Regents’ and New Century Scholarship would continue to receive the scholarship as they phased out the programs.
President Mortensen gave a brief description of Weber’s Dream Weber program. This program comes at a cost of 1 million annually for Weber. He noted students complete at a higher rate and faster because they know they only have eight semesters in the program. President Mortensen said, “It changes lives”.
President Huftalin spoke about SLCC’s Promise program. This comes at a cost of just under $900,000 annually. She noted students are reluctant to complete FASA, however when they know money is on the line, they complete the FASA. The Promise program requires students to be full time and this changes behavior. SLCC is seeing GPA and retention gains for Promise students as well as an increased number of underserved students.
Regent Jones moved to a bill Senator Millner is working on for capital facilities, which establishes ongoing funding. Associate Commissioner Kimberly Henrie noted this would be an ongoing source of funding of about 100 million dollars. Capital Facilities would still require the Board of Regents approval. This would not change the process, but it is a change in philosophy. This takes the conversation from how to get money; to how do we use the money. Institutions will be more keen on identifying buildings that fit within their budget. Chair Simmons said the current program incentivizes institutions to bring forth marquee projects, when the real need may be more renovation projects. This allows that to happen.
There was conversation about how the new bill will affect the process of asking for buildings and the use of on-going funding; what will the criteria be etc. Chair Simmons said this allows for flexibility and planning. The change would allow institutions to ask for their share of money to build smaller buildings, make renovations, and become more efficient. Commissioner Buhler will continue to work with Senator Millner and share concerns. Regent Jones asked that Presidents give input in writing to Commissioner Buhler.
Regent Jones said the last item she wanted to talk about is Representative Val Peterson’s bill for Prior Learning and Transfer. Representative Peterson said this asks Regents to establish a statewide plan and policies that will allow credit to be awarded for prior learning and the transfer of credit. It also asks each institution to report annually to Regents. President Huftalin said this seems to focus on prior learning, but believes it should strengthen language on seamless transfer. Chair Simmons said this is an important priority and something we need to focus on.
Chair Simmons thanked Regent Jones and the committee for their time and work on this. He encouraged everyone to be active during the legislative session.
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m.
President’s Report
President Tuminez said she would be reporting on a few of UVU’s highlights, beginning with the Annual Scholarship Ball, which raised $248,855. During this event, she announced a new initiative called First Generation Student. Other highlights include Talk with Tuminez, a broadcast streamed on YouTube. Students ask questions at the end of the broadcast; this is a way to encourage engagement and bring the community together. She also highlighted various student groups. She went on to talk about additional achievements including: UVU celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary at Capitol Reef and indicated a new building is near completion; the Museum of Art and Learning Center will open in 2020; the Noorda Center for the Performing Arts is now open; the recently changed maternity policy that includes six weeks of paid leave; and UVU is continuing to strengthen an improve leadership.
The leadership team has established a digital transformation taskforce. The mandate to this taskforce is to come up with the principles that will guide digital transformation. The importance of this is simplicity, enhance productivity, and improve security.
President Tuminez said the core of UVU is the Dual Mission, and this represents what UVU is trying to do, which is diversity and opportunity in a very real way. This is relevant education for the 21st century; a non-prejudicial approach, emphasis on access and affordability, no linear degree completion, a gamut of options delivered well with a focus on student success. Retention rates are improving and UVU has made a commitment to raise graduation rates to 45% by 2025. Graduates of color have increased by 362 percent. The committee for completion is looking at re-envisioning a holistic undergraduate experience as well as high impact practices.
President Tuminez asked “What values will we build our culture on: Exceptional Care, Exceptional Accountability, and Exceptional Results.” She touched on mental health and said at UVU the ratio of care is 1 to 3000, and while that is not great, the story is more than just ratios. It is also about the culture of care, holistic approach, and mixed modalities. The action commitments of UVU are Include, Engage, and Achieve.
Consent Calendar (TAB M)
On a motion by Regent Theurer and seconded by Regent Prince the following items were approved on the Regents’ General Consent Calendar
A. Minutes – Minutes of the Board meeting November 15 & 16, 2018, Dixie State University, St George, Utah; December 6, 2018, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah.
B. Grant Proposals
C. Awards
D. Academic and Student Affairs Items
Statewide College Advisors Update (TAB N)
Regent Jones said many different entities are wrapping their arms around this initiative and turned time over to the Commissioner. Commissioner Buhler briefly reviewed the program. The Commissioner’s office has reprioritized one million dollars and will take the program from the current 12 high schools to 33 high schools. The additional schools were selected based on the high schools with the greatest need. By summer of 2020, advisors and regional coordinators will be hired. The expected impact is an increase in college enrollments, increase in completing, and a 16 percent increase in wages. He shared a video about the program.
Superintendent Todd McKee spoke about the need for this program and noted there is always a group of students who are unsure of where to go and what to do with their life. He believes this is an opportunity to help students without the knowledge and background on how to make the transition from high school to college. Commissioner Buhler said the timeline for this program is to include 33 high schools for 2019, 50% of Utah high schools by 2020 and 100% of Utah high schools in 2021. He said this program is supported by the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, Governor’s Education Excellence Commission, Utah State Board of Education, Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce and many others, and we are continuing to gain support. Regent Theurer asked what the plan is to find counselors. Spencer Jenkins said we are looking for recent graduates with bachelor degrees. This is a good starting point for getting into the workforce and is confident we will find qualified counselors. Regent Ortega said she feels like everything is aligning for this program and said it is like we are rolling out the red carpet for students. Regent Barnes said she is thrilled with the opportunity to tap into federal money that Utah students are currently leaving on the table. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Approval of Amendments to 2019-20 Operating Budget Request (TAB O)
Commissioner Buhler noted that since the operating budget request was approved in September, both Snow College and Weber State University have changed their priorities. Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB O; the motion was seconded by Regent Lund and the motion passed.
Approval of Legislative Priorities for 2019 (TAB P)
Commissioner Buhler noted the major policy areas, as previously discussed earlier in the day are: Statewide College Advisors, College Access Scholarship, Capitol Facilities, and Prior Learning and Transfer. He also noted the Communications Committee has been working on an advocacy strategy, will be holding weekly calls, and will advise the Regents’ Executive Committee if needed. This action is to reaffirm the budget and legislative priorities and directs the Regents, Commissioner, Presidents, and staff to work as a united front with the legislature, and authorizes the Commissioner to act on behalf of the Board of Regents in consultation with the strategic communications committee and Board leadership on issues as they emerge during the session. Regent Jones made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB P; the motion was seconded by Regent Datta and the motion passed.
System Metrics and Institutional Goals (TAB Q)
Commissioner Buhler noted at the November meeting, the Board adopted seven metrics. Working with the Presidents it was determined that institutional goals are appropriate for five of the metrics; the other two metrics should be system metrics. Commissioner Buhler is recommending refining the goal for the affordability metric to better align with mission specific goals of the institution. It will delineate by type of institution: research universities, regional universities and community colleges. He is also recommending adding access by gender and ethnicity, timely completion using the national standard measure, which is IPEDS, and workforce will add elementary and secondary education and mental health professions. If approved, we will come back in March with institutional goals to go along with the new system goals. Institutions have suggested and he is recommending four institution specific metrics: 1) SLCC transfer conversion rate, as a pilot, and if works well will likely extend to Snow College; 2) University of Utah and Utah State University, a research metric; 3) University of Utah Hospital and Clinics, a quality metric; 4) Utah State University, an extension service metric. If adopted, these will be finalized for Board approval in March. Regent Barnes made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB Q; the motion was seconded by Regent Theurer and the motion passed.
2018 Annual Report (TAB R)
Commissioner Buhler noted this provides a summary of major issues and accomplishments over the last calendar year. Commissioner said his recommendation is to adopt the annual report with any adjustments the Regents deem necessary. This will include suspend activities related to staff working on the Utah College Acceptance Letter until we have the Statewide College Advisors fully implemented; direct the Commissioner to bring a work plan for the Commissioner’s office for fiscal 2020 to the Regents; and begin development of an updated strategic plan based on the research efforts of the Gardner Policy Institute. Regent Anderson made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB R; the motion was seconded by Regent Barnes and the motion passed.
Academic and Student Affairs
Revision of Policy R165, Concurrent Enrollment (TAB A)
Regent Theurer noted these policy changes address legislative changes from last year.
Regent Theurer made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB A; the motion was seconded by Regent Ortega and the motion passed.
Revised Regent Mental Health Recommendations (TAB B)
Regent Theurer recommends approving the changes with the addition of bringing back the mental health committee, possibly adding additional Regents, and moving forward with discussion on mental health issues with our USHE institutions. Regent Theurer made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB B; the motion was seconded by Regent Jensen and the motion passed.
Engineering and Computer Technology Initiative Annual Report (TAB C)
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Update on Utah College Acceptance Letter
Regent Theurer noted this has been put on hold while we work on other items.
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Career and Technical Education Annual Report (TAB D)
Regent Theurer noted USHE institutions provide 75% of the Career and Technical Education in the state.
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Transfer and Articulation Discussion Continuation and Next Steps
Regent Theurer noted there was a lot of discussion on this and there will be continued discussion.
This is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
Finance and Facilities
USHE – Operating Expenditures and Revenues Report (TAB E)
Regent Anderson noted this was a discussion highlighting the revenues and expenditures over the last four years for the system and by each institution. The committee will continue to examine this issue over the next several meetings and look to identify ways in which the system can assist in developing cost effective solutions to managing the costs of higher education within the state.
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Utah Valley University – Campus Master Plan Amendment (TAB F)
Regent Anderson noted UVU is requesting approval of their updated Master Plan that was last approved on November 18, 2016 and includes two revisions from the prior plan: the gift of Lakemount Manor and the future expansion opportunities north of campus. Regent Anderson made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB F; the motion was seconded by Regent Clyde and the motion passed.
University of Utah – Golf Training Facility Non-State Funded Project (TAB G)
Regent Anderson noted the U is requesting authorization to proceed with a non-state funded project to construct a new 6,000 square-foot golf training facility for the Men’s Golf athletic program south of campus on Guardsman Way using $2,497,293 of donations and institutional funds.
Regent Anderson made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB G, with the expectation that the Women’s Golf program, if approved, consider future accommodations and report to the Regents if necessary; the motion was seconded by Regent Datta and the motion passed.
University of Utah – Trustee Property Disposal (TAB H)
Regent Anderson noted the U is required by policy to notify the Board of Regents that its Board of Trustees approved the disposal of a condominium gifted to the University for the appraised value of $185,000 in the November 2018 meeting. This is a inforamtion item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Space Utilization Report 2017-18 (TAB I)
Regent Anderson noted the committee received the first annual USHE space utilization report required by the Regent policy adopted in March 2018 that included institutional classroom and laboratory utilization information as well as institutional reporting of goals and accomplishments in meeting Regent-adopted utilization standards. Assistant Commissioner Amon provided a brief presentation highlighting the content of the report. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Report of Auxiliary Enterprise Operations (TAB J)
Regent Anderson noted this is an annual analysis report on the financial health of the institution’s auxiliary enterprises including housing, campus stores, food service, and student centers at each USHE institution. Overall, USHE institution auxiliary services are operating in a positive financial position and is expected to continue to be positive into FY2019. This is information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Annual Report on Institutional and Revenue Bond Indebtedness (TAB K)
Regent Anderson noted this annual report highlights key information related to the $1.3 billion of USHE revenue bonds that were outstanding as of June 30, 2018. The Commissioner’s staff reaffirmed all bonds are being retired on schedule with debt service requirements being met or exceeded in every case. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – 2019 Data Book Update (TAB L)
Regent Anderson reported that the annual USHE data book has been updated for the 2019 calendar year and is posted on the USHE website along with all previous versions of the data book. The data book highlights key education data statistics regarding student enrollment, degrees and certificates awarded, financial aid and tuition rates, financial information and comparison, annual costs reports, staffing reports and facilities inventories for the system and each USHE institution. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Regent Larson motioned to move into executive session for the sole purpose of discussing the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of individuals. The motion was seconded by Regent Barnes and the motion carried. Regent Anderson made a motion to close executive session; the motion was seconded by Regent Larson and the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.