8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. To ensure availability, individuals needing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) for this meeting or the materials should notify Brynn Fronk at brynn.fronk@ushe.edu, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-646-4784), at least three working days prior to the meeting.
Utah Board of Higher Education
Utah System of Higher Education
Friday, March 22, 2024
Committee of the whole
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Amanda Covington, Chair Tina Marriott
Steve Neeleman, Vice Chair
Javier Chávez, Jr.
Jon Cox
Sharon Eubank
Danny Ipson
Rachel Prickett Passey
Aaron Skonnard
Cydni Tetro
Office of the Commissioner
Geoff Landward, Commissioner
Alison Adams, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board
Trisha Dugovic, Director of Communication
Malin Francis, Director of Facilities and Planning
Brynn Fronk, Executive Assistant to the Utah Board of Higher Education
Russ Galt, Senior Assistant Commissioner for Tech Education Finance
Ben Langley, Manager of Accounting and Finance
Carrie Mayne, Chief Economist
Jordan Passey, Budget and Planning Analyst
Natalie Reidhead, Administrative Assistant
Brian Shuppy, Senior Assistant Commissioner for Budget and Planning
Nate Talley, Deputy Commissioner and CFO
Melissa Van Hien, Office Manager / Executive Assistant to the Commissioner
Institutional Presidents Present
Mindy Benson, Southern Utah University Taylor Randall, University of Utah
Darin Brush, Davis Technical College Jordan Rushton, Dixie Technical College
Elizabeth Cantwell, Utah State University Astrid Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Deneece Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College Courtney White, Utah Tech University (interim)
Stacee McIff, Snow College Brennan Wood, Southwest Technical College
Brad Mortensen, Weber State University
Other Guests
Jillana S. AhLoe, Senior Budget Director, Salt Lake Community College
Jason Atuaia, Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance, University of Utah
Karla Bergeson, Chair, Weber State University Board of Trustees
Carson Brown, SUUSA President, Southern Utah University
Dave Cowley, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Utah State University
Christian Gardner, Chair, University of Utah Board of Trustees
Dawn Gross, Executive Communications Director, Utah Valley University
Jodi Hart Wilson, Chair, Southern Utah University Board of Trustees
Carson Howell, Vice President of Finances & Administrative Services, Snow College
Mitzi Montoya, Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Utah
Paul Morris, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Utah Tech University
Rick Nielsen, Chair, Utah Valley University Board of Trustees
Val Peterson, Vice President of Administration and Strategic Relations Division, Utah Valley University
Rick Robinson, Chair, Snow College Board of Trustees
Abraham Rodriguez, Student Body President, Utah State University
Jacey Skinner, Chair, Utah State University Board of Trustees
Laura Snow, Senior Advisor, University of Utah
Brady Southwick, Chair, Salt Lake Community College Board of Trustees
Jose Toral-Martinez, Student Body President, Utah Tech University
Brad Vierig, Associate Dean, MBA Programs and Executive Education, University of Utah
Tiffany Wilson, Chair, Utah Tech University Board of Trustees
Chair Amanda Covington called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
USHE – Space Utilization Report 2022-23
Nate Talley reviewed the Space Utilization Report with the Board members. The Board discussed the funding source to maintain the buildings, lease institutional space, how remote experience impacts building usage, and redesign and repurpose existing infrastructure. Chair Covington asked for regular updates on the space utilization analysis. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Financial Ratio Report
Nate Talley presented the Annual USHE Financial Ratio Report to the Board members. He recommended conducting a budget stress test at Utah Tech University, which Interim President White supported. Vice Chair Neeleman moved to direct Utah Tech University, with consultation from the Commissioner, to conduct a comprehensive budget stress test analysis of the institution and to integrate relevant findings into the institution’s long-term strategic growth plan. Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Commissioner’s Office Introduction
Nate Talley introduced the tuition and fees proposals to the Board members. The Board discussed the measurement metrics and criteria. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE Tuition and Fee Requests, Public Comment, and Board Action
Technical Colleges
Nate Talley reviewed the Technical College student fee proposals with the Board members. He noted that the legislature funded the new technical college growth model this year. Jon Cox moved to approve the proposed tuition adjustments as recommended by all eight technical colleges’ Boards of Trustees. Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
University of Utah
Nate Talley introduced the University of Utah’s proposed tuition fee increases. President Taylor Randall and Chair Christian Gardner then presented the proposal. The Board members asked President Randall questions regarding quality assessment, completion rates, performance funding, scholarship dollars, student perception of fees, and housing.
MOTION 1: Chair Covington moved to approve the proposed tuition adjustments as recommended by the University of Utah Board of Trustees. Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Vice Chair Neeleman moved to approve the proposed differential tuition schedule as recommended by the University of Utah Board of Trustees, for:
Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 3: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the University of Utah Board of Trustees. Chair Covington seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Southern Utah University
Nate Talley introduced Southern Utah University’s tuition and fees increase proposal. President Benson and Trustee Chair Jodi Hart Wilson presented the proposal. At the request of Chair Covington, President Benson shared their cost-cutting measures, which included significant reallocation and dialing back growth due to the housing shortage. Board members also asked about scholarship dollars, ROI, program review and approval, growth, and student housing.
MOTION 1: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the proposed tuition adjustments as recommended by the Southern Utah University Board of Trustees. Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Board member Cox moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the Southern Utah University Board of Trustees. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Utah Valley University
Nate Talley introduced Utah Valley University’s tuition and fees increase proposal and reviewed the Commissioner’s recommendation. President Tuminez and Trustee Chair Rick Nielsen presented Utah Valley University’s tuition increase proposal. Board member Cox requested to see precisely what UVU is proposing in advance. Board member Skonnard acknowledged the number of first-generation students and graduates UVU produces and asked how that number compares to other USHE institutions, to which the Commissioner responded. Chair Covington acknowledged that it is essential for the Board to know where we are maximizing efficiencies and requested that information be quantified or tracked. The Chair also noted that the information presented differed from what was in their Board materials, as UVU’s presented request was downwardly revised from its original request as approved by the institution’s Board of Trustees and submitted to the Commissioner’s Office. Commissioner Landward stated the presented counterproposal is within sufficient range of the Commissioner’s recommendation such that the Commissioner was comfortable accepting UVU’s counterproposal. Nate Talley reviewed UVU’s original request compared to the presented counterproposal.
MOTION 1: Vice Chair Neeleman moved to adopt Utah Valley University’s tuition increase counter-proposal and direct Utah Valley University to come back in the next month with cost savings data. Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Chair Covington moved to approve the counter-proposed fee adjustments as presented by Utah Valley University. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Utah Tech University
Nate Talley introduced Utah Tech University’s tuition and fees request to the Board members. Interim President White, Trustee Chair Tiffany Wilson, and Jose Toral-Martinez presented Utah Tech’s tuition and fees increase proposal of 3.5% and 7.92%, respectively. At the request of Board member Skonnard, Interim President White shared the pattern of tuition increase in prior years. Chair Wilson noted Utah Tech intends to be the low-cost leader for as long as possible, which has been interesting to balance with the rate of growth and increase in housing needs. The Board would like to rethink the tuition and fee-setting process for next year. They want to hear what programs Utah Tech is shutting down and get credit for reallocating those funds.
MOTION 1: Board member Cox moved to approve the Commissioner’s recommendation of a 3.2% increase in tuition for Utah Tech University, and further authorize Utah Tech University to work with the Commissioner to make any subsequent technical adjustments, including rounding and tuition schedule exclusions, necessary to finalize the increase prior to implementation by the institution. Chair Covington seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Board member Cox moved to approve the proposed differential tuition schedule as recommended by the Utah Tech University Board of Trustees, for:
Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 3: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the Utah Tech University Board of Trustees. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Utah State University
Nate Talley introduced Utah State University’s tuition and fees request to the Board members. President Cantwell, Dave Cowley, Trustee Chair Jacey Skinner, and Abraham Rodriguez presented Utah State University’s tuition and fee increase proposal of 3.4% and 1.68%, respectively. The Board asked where they find cost efficiencies, to which USU responded that they’re looking at a space survey, a complete programmatic review, operational efficiencies, and staff reduction. Board member Cox did not like raising tuition to maintain scholarships. Dave Cowley stated they are trying hard to increase scholarships through endowments. Vice Chair Neeleman asked about their status of enrollment growth and how USU’s graduates are doing on placement rates.
MOTION 1: Board member Cox moved to approve the Commissioner’s recommendation of a 3.24% increase in tuition for Utah State University, and further authorize Utah State University to work with the Commissioner to make any subsequent technical adjustments, including rounding and tuition schedule exclusions, necessary to finalize the increase prior to implementation by the institution. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Chair Covington moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the Utah State University Board of Trustees. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Weber State University
Nate Talley introduced Weber State University’s proposed tuition and fee increase. President Mortensen and Trustee Chair Karla Bergeson presented the proposal to the Board members. Weber State’s return on investment is strong. Board member Skonnard asked how their list price is relative to their peers, to which President Mortensen noted they are in the middle of their ten peer institutions. The Board asked how the tiered tuition would affect their budget. President Mortensen suggested going about it incrementally.
MOTION 1: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the proposed tuition adjustments as recommended by the Weber State University Board of Trustees. Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Board member Cox moved to approve the proposed differential tuition schedule as recommended by the Weber State University Board of Trustees, for:
Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 3: Chair Covington moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the Weber State University Board of Trustees. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Snow College
Nate Talley introduced Snow College’s proposed tuition and fees increase. President McIff, Carson Howell, and Trustee Chair Rick Robinson presented Snow College’s proposal to the Board members. President McIff addressed performance funding, enrollment and retention, and their cost-saving measures. Board members asked President McIff questions regarding barriers to access, tech college fees, and student participation in online courses. Board member Tetro applauded their work to normalize tuition and their willingness to make trade-offs from top to bottom.
MOTION 1: Vice Chair Neeleman moved to approve the proposed tuition adjustments as recommended by the Snow College Board of Trustees. Chair Covington seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the proposed fee adjustments as recommended by the Snow College Board of Trustees. Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Salt Lake Community College
Nate Talley introduced Salt Lake Community College’s proposed tuition increase. President Huftalin and Trustee Chair Brady Southwick presented their tuition and fee increase proposal of 4.0% and 12.5%, respectively. Board members pointed out this is one part of the state where tuition is not competitive. Salt Lake County’s population is increasing, but Salt Lake Community College’s enrollment has decreased. They suggested a more holistic, strategic move to lower the cost dramatically. They asked President Huftalin about child care, FAFSA completion, online offerings, and scholarship dollars. The Board discussed SLCC’s counter-proposal request and the Commissioner’s recommendation. President Huftalin shared that they held fees over the last 3-4 years to try to help students. With the declining enrollments, it has been a perfect storm. They compensated with one-time funding. She acknowledged they would have been better off doing incremental increases. The Board expressed concern about students funding athletics through fees. Chair Covington asked that they explore other funding options for athletics to help offset the percentage increase.
MOTION 1: Vice Chair Neeleman moved to approve a 3.99% increase in tuition for Salt Lake Community College, and further authorize Salt Lake Community College to work with the Commissioner to make any subsequent technical adjustments, including rounding and tuition schedule exclusions, necessary to finalize the increase prior to implementation by the institution. Board member Skonnard seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 2: Board member Cox moved to approve a 3.94% increase in fees, in aggregate, for Salt Lake Community College, and further authorize Salt Lake Community College to work with the Commissioner to make any subsequent technical adjustments, including rounding and tuition schedule exclusions, necessary to finalize the increase prior to implementation by the institution by May 1, 2024. Chair Covington seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
MOTION 3: Board member Skonnard moved to approve the general student fee adjustment for Salt Lake Community College Technical Education from $8.00 to $9.00 per credit hour. Board member Cox seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Board member Skonnard moved to adjourn. Vice Chair Neeleman seconded the motion. The Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Utah System of Higher Education
The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
General: 1-801-646-4784
Scholarships: 1-801-646-4812
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