8:30 AM – 9:00 AM Finance and Facilities Committee
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Executive Session (if needed)
**Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ADA Coordinator, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-321-7124), at least three working days prior to the meeting. TDD # 801-321-7130.
Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Lisa-Michele Church
Wilford W. Clyde
Sanchiata Datta joined at 8:37
Alan E. Hall
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
Steven Lund
Crystal Maggelet
Cristina Ortega dismissed at 11:00
Robert W. Prince
Mark Stoddard
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Sheva Mozafari
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Julie Hartley, Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs
Geoffrey Landward, Assistant Commissioner and Board Secretary
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University
Brad J. Cook, Snow College
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
USHE – Regent Response to Student Fee Audit (TAB A)
There was discussion about the requests that came from the audit and responses. There was also discussion about the definition of reasonable student fees. David Pulsipher noted there is currently no definition of reasonable fees and Rich Amon said this is something we will be working on this year. Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve the response to the State Auditor’s report CAU- 10-SP as outlined in TAB A; the motion was seconded by Regent Barnes and the motion passed. Regent Datta was not present to vote.
USHE – Tuition and Fee Process and Affordability Task Force (TAB B)
Rich Amon reviewed the definition the Task Force has put together. Chair Simmons believes the definition is good and represented the Utah student very well. There was discussion about the definition of affordability, return on investment, time to completion, and student debt. Chair Simmons said we need to include debt into the definition and asked to include in the recommendation “without incurring debt”. Regent Jibson made a motion to accept the working definition of affordability for 2020-21 tuition with the addition of the student not incurring debt; Regent Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed.
USHE – Institution and Fees Requests, Public Comments, Board Action (TAB C)
Rich Amon provided an overview of the fee setting process and changes that were made since last year. He provided a look at Utah’s tuition and fee increases as compared to national numbers as well as a history over the last 30 years in the state of Utah. He noted the overall tuition increase across the system is 1.9 percent. Student Fees will be looked at separately and across the system is an increase of approximately 1 percent. The Regents heard presentations from each institution on their request for tuition and student fee increases. Regents discussed in length the need to keep tuition increases low to zero. Regent Wright commended the presidents on their efforts to keep costs low, but believes increasing tuition is not the thing to do right now. Regents are concerned about how Covid-19 will effect students, their jobs, and their ability to stay in school and pay for tuition. Regent Datta stated we should not be discussing pay raises and tuition increases while we are facing this crisis.
University of Utah – Regent Jones made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 2 percent for 2020-2021, with the authorization to waive or defer tuition increases as needed; Regent Church seconded the motion, Regent Wright opposed and the motion passed. Regent Datta was not present to vote.
University of Utah – Regent Barnes made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustment with a net zero percent increase for 2020-2021; Regent Church seconded the motion passed.
University of Utah – Regent Prince made a motion to approve the differential tuition schedules for the Master of Athletic Training and the Master of Cardiovascular Perfusion; Regent Jones seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Utah State University – Regent Church made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 2.8 percent for the Logan and statewide campuses for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer tuition increases as needed; Regent Jensen seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Utah State University – Regent Jibson made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 3.5 percent for the Price, Blanding, and Moab campuses for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed; Regent Jensen seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Utah State University – Regent Clyde made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustment with a net 1.6 percent increase for the Logan campus and no increase for statewide campuses for 2020-2021; Regent Jensen seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Utah State University – Regent Jensen made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustments for 2020-2021 with a net 40 percent increase for the Price and Blanding campuses to align them with the statewide campuses; Regent Barnes seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Snow College – Regent Jones made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 2.25 percent with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed and no adjustments to student fees for 2020-2021; Regent Jibson seconded the motion, Regent Datta opposed, Regent Wright opposed the tuition adjustment and the motion passed.
Salt Lake Community College – Regent Maggelet made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 1.5 percent for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed; Regent Jones seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Salt Lake Community College – Regent Barnes made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustments with a net 1.8 percent increase for 2020-2021; Regent Church seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Weber State University – Regent Hall made a motion to approve the annual tuition adjustment of 2 percent for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed; Regent Jibson seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed. Regent Ortega was not present to vote.
Weber State University – Regent Hall made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustments with a net 2.0 percent increase for 2020-2021; Regent Jensen seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed.
Dixie State University – Regent Hall made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 3.0 percent for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed; Regent Maggelet seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed. Regent Ortega was not present to vote.
Dixie State University – Regent Hall made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustments with a net 2.9 percent increase for 2020-2021; Regent Prince seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed. Regent Ortega was not present to vote.
Utah Valley University – Regent Jones made a motion to approve the proposed annual tuition adjustment of 1.38 percent for 2020-2021 with the authorization to waive or defer increases as needed; Regent Church seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion passed. Regent Ortega was not present to vote.
Utah Valley University – Regent Clyde made a motion to approve the proposed student fee adjustments with a net 2.3 percent increase for 2020-2021; Regent Barnes seconded the motion, Regent Wright and Regent Datta opposed and the motion carried.
Southern Utah University – Regent Hall made a notion to approve no increase to the annual tuition as proposed for 2020-2021; Regent Maggelet seconded the motion and the motion passed. Regent Ortega was not present to vote.
Southern Utah University – Regent Hall made a motion to approve no student fee increases as proposed for 2020-2021; Regent Jibson seconded the motion and the motion passed.
On a motion by Regent Barnes, the meeting was closed.
The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.
Date Approved: May 15, 2020
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020
Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Lisa-Michele Church
Wilford W. Clyde
Sanchiata Datta joined at 8:37
Alan E. Hall
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
Steven Lund
Crystal Maggelet
Sheva Mozafari
Robert W. Prince
Mark Stoddard
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Cristina Ortega
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Julie Hartley, Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs
Geoffrey Landward, Assistant Commissioner and Board Secretary
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University
Brad J. Cook, Snow College
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
Board of Higher Education Transition (TAB I)
Geoff provided an update and timeline on the transition to the new Board of Higher Education as outlined in TAB I. He reviewed the position announcement for the Commissioner of Higher Education and noted there will be an RFP to hire a change consultant. Regent Datta made a motion approve the transition plan and position announcement for the Commissioner of Higher Education; Regent Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed.
OCHE – Office Remodel Request (TAB G)
This office expansion is to incorporate the UTECH office; it will also expand virtual teleconference capabilities. Commissioner Woolstenhulme noted UTECH is currently paying $125,000 annually for office space which will result in a cost savings as we combine the two budgets. Regent Mozafari made a motion to approve the office expansion as outlined in TAB G; Regent Jibson seconded the motion and the motion passed.
2020 Legislative Update (TAB J)
Spencer Jenkins provided an overview of the legislative session as outlined in TAB J. Regent Hall reported on the Entrepreneurial Community Outreach Program. This is an information item; no action was taken.
New Century and Regents’ Scholarship Award Amounts (TAB K)
Spencer Jenkins noted this is to establish the award amount for this year as outlined in TAB K. Regent Lund made a motion to approve; Regent Maggelet seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Regent Audit Committee Report (TAB L)
Regent Stoddard noted the audit committee met a couple of weeks ago with each institution’s representatives. He can report we had a good outcome and the institutions have a good understanding of the direction and are working to eliminate any issues they may have and making recommendations to improve the process in the future. Regent Jibson made a motion to accept the audit report; Regent Mozafari seconded the motion and the motion passed.
General Consent Calendar (TAB M)
On a motion by Regent Clyde and seconded by Regent Barnes the following items were approved on the Regents’ General Consent Calendar
On a motion by Regent Stoddard and seconded by Regent Datta, the meeting was closed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.
Date Approved: May 15, 2020
Tuition Presentations:
Other Presentations:
Utah System of Higher Education
The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
General: 1-801-646-4784
Scholarships: 1-801-646-4812
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