Location: West Ballroom (2nd floor)
1. FY 2020-21 State Funded Operational Budget Requests TAB P
12:40 PM – 1:30 PM LUNCH
Location: East Ballroom (2nd floor)
Location: West Ballroom (2nd floor)
2. FY 2020-21 State Funded Capital Facility Requests TAB O
3. FY 2020-21 Land Bank Request TAB O
Location: David B. Haight Alumni Center
9:00 AM – 9:50 AM Executive Session (if needed)
Location: David B. Haight Alumni Center
Location: West Ballroom (2nd floor)
1. Welcome – President Cockett
2. Resolutions
3. Appointment of Director of My529
4. Board Workflow TAB A
5. Committee Priorities TAB B
6. System Transfer and Articulation TAB C
7. State Scholarship Redesign Task Force Report TAB D
8. Spring 2019 System-wide Mental Health Survey TAB E
9. Overview of USHE Advocacy Strategy TAB F
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM LUNCH
Location: East Ballroom (2nd floor)
Regent Patricia Jones, Chair
Location: USUSA Senate Chambers (3rd floor)
1. Prior Learning Assessment Priorities and Timelines TAB G
1. Regents Transfer Council TAB H
1. Academic and Student Affairs Committee Priorities, Goals, and Timelines TAB I
2. Future Committee Meeting Dates
Regent Wilford W. Clyde, Chair
Location: Center/West Colony Rooms (2nd floor)
1. Growth Funding Task Force
1. Utah State University – Master Plan TAB J
2. Utah State University – Refunding Bonds TAB K
3. Snow College – Refunding Bonds TAB L
4. Utah Valley University – Revenue and Refunding Bonds TAB M
5. University of Utah – Non-state Funded Projects TAB N
6. USHE – FY 2020-21 Prioritization of Non-Dedicated Projects and Land Bank Requests TAB O
7. USHE – FY 2020-21 Operating Budget Request TAB P
1. USHE – 2019-20 Budget Initiatives Use of Funds Received TAB Q
2. USHE – 2019-20 Cyber Security Funding TAB R
3. USHE – Revenue Bond Results TAB S
4. USHE – Annual Report on Foreign Gifts and/or Donations TAB T
Regent Jesselie B. Anderson, Chair
Location: Sunburst Lounge (2nd floor)
1. Career & Technical Education Overview
2. Opportunity Gap Update
3. K-20 Summit Draft Agenda TAB U
4. Strategic Workforce Initiative Update – Governor’s Office of Economic Development TAB V
5. Advocacy Strategy Overview TAB W
Location: West Ballroom (2nd floor)
1. General Consent Calendar TAB X
2. Utah State Board of Regents 2019-2020 Amendment to Meeting Schedule TAB Y
3. Utah State Board of Regents 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule Approval TAB Z
4. Reports of the Board Committees
5. USHE – FY 2020-21 Prioritization of Non-Dedicated Projects and Land Bank Requests TAB O
6. USHE – FY 2020-21 Operating Budget Request TAB P
7. Review of Upcoming Dates
Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ADA Coordinator, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-321-7124), at least three working days prior to the meeting. TDD # 801-321-7130.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2019
Contents of Minutes
Attendance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Presentation of FY 2020-21 State Funded Operational Budget Requests ………………………………………………. 1
Presentation of FY 2020-21 State Funded Capital Facilities Requests ………………………………………………….. 1
Presentation of FY 2020-21 Land Bank Request…………………………………………………………………………………..2
Adjournment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Lisa-Michele Church
Wilford W. Clyde
Alan E. Hall
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
Steven Lund
Sheva Mozafari
Robert W. Prince
Mark Stoddard
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Cristina Ortega
Crystal Maggelet
Sanchiata Datta
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Geoffrey Landward, Assistant Commissioner and Board Secretary
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University
Brad J. Cook, Snow College
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 11:08 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
FY 2020-21 State Funded Operational Budget Requests (TAB P)
The Regents heard presentations (detailed in TAB P), from each institution regarding needs for performance funding as part of the state-funded operational budget request.
FY 2020-21 State Funded Capital Facility Requests (TAB O)
The Regents heard presentations (detailed in TAB O) on the following state-funded projects:
• University of Utah – Applied Sciences Building
• Utah State University – Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center
• Southern Utah University – Academic Classroom Building
• Snow College – Center for Rural Studies and Community Develo9pment
• Dixie State University – Science Building
Minutes of Meeting
September 12, 2019
Page 2
• Utah Valley University – STEM Building/Engineering and Computing
• Salt Lake Community College – Herriman Campus Juniper Building
FY 2020-21 Land Bank Request (TAB O)
The Regents heard a presentation for the following Land Bank Request:
• Dixie State University
Regent Wilford W. Clyde recused himself from voting on this item. Regent Prince made a motion to approve Dixie State University’s request for Land Bank as outlined in TAB O; Regent Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
On a motion from Regent Barnes and seconded by Regent Jones, the meeting was closed.
The meeting adjourned at 3:48 p.m.
Geoffrey Landward, Secretary
Date Approved: November 15, 2019
SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
Contents of Minutes
Attendance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Resolutions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Appointment of Director of MY529 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Board Workflow………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Committee Priorities …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
System Transfer and Articulation………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
State Scholarship Redesign Task Force Report …………………………………………………………………………………….2
Spring 2020 System-wide Mental Health Survey………………………………………………………………………………….2
Overview of USHE Advocacy Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………………………2
General Consent Calendar ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Utah State Board of Regents 2019-2020 Amendment to Meeting Schedule……………………………………………2
Utah State Board of Regents 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule Approval…………………………………………………….2
Academic and Student Affairs …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Prior Learning Assessment Priorities and Timelines
Regent Transfer Council
Academic and Student Affairs Committee Priorities, Goals and Timelines
Future Committee Dates
Finance and Facilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Growth Funding Task Force
Utah State University – Master Plan
Utah State University – Refunding Bonds
Snow College – Refunding Bonds
Utah Valley University – Revenue and Refunding Bonds
University of Utah – Non-state Funded Projects
USHE FY 2020-21 Prioritization of Non-Dedicated Projects and Land Band Requests
USHE FY 2020-2021 Operating Budget Request
USHE – 2019-2020 Budget Initiatives Use of Funds Received
USHE – 2019-20 Cyber Security Funding
USHE – Revenue Bond Results
USHE – Annual Report on Foreign Gifts and/or Donations
Workforce, Access, and Advocacy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Career & Technical Education Overview
Opportunity Gap Update
K-20 Summit Draft Agenda
Strategic Workforce Initiative Update
Advocacy Strategy Overview
Adjournment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Regents Present
Harris Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Lisa-Michele Church
Wilford W. Clyde
Alan E. Hall
Marlin K. Jensen
Ron Jibson
Patricia Jones
Steven Lund
Sheva Mozafari
Mark Stoddard
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Cristina Ortega
Crystal Maggelet
Sanchiata Datta
Robert W. Prince
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Associate Commissioner for Planning, Finance and Facilities
Elizabeth Hitch, Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs
Geoffrey Landward, Assistant Commissioner and Board Secretary
Institutional Presidents Present
Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University
Brad J. Cook, Snow College
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 8:16 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
Regent Lund read a resolution for Lynne N. Ward, Director of MY529. Regent Chair Simmons read a
resolution for Elizabeth J. Hitch, Associate Commissioner.
Appointment of Director of MY529
Regent Church made a motion to appoint Richard Ellis to serve as the Director of MY529;
Regent Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Board Workflow (TAB A)
Geoff Landward provided a review of the process agenda items go through for Committee and Board
Committee Priorities (TAB B)
Each Associate Commissioner took a few minutes to review committee priorities.
System Transfer and Articulation (TAB C)
Assistant Commissioner Julie Hartley provided an update; there are two opportunities right now for the
system to improve transfer: 1) communicate better with students about their transfer options and help
them navigate through the system, 2) find out within the system where students are encountering
difficulties as well as create a process to address transfer strategically. She provided additional updates on
policy issues, program alignment, and the student transfer guide. She introduced Karen Todd with
Academy One, who joined the meeting by phone. She gave detailed information about how students use
the transfer guide. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
State Scholarship Redesign Task Force Report (TAB D)
Assistant Commissioner Julie Hartley provided a review of this report. The task force looked at three
scholarships: New Century Scholarship, The Regents’ Scholarship, and The Access Utah Promise
Scholarship. After reviewing these programs, the task force made the following recommendations:
No action was taken.
Spring 2020 System-wide Mental Health Survey (TAB E)
Megan Brown with the Commissioner’s office provided a review of the ACHA NCHA Spring 2019 Mental
Health Survey. There was discussion about the validity of the survey. It was determined that there is a
need to uniformly conduct the survey across institutions as well as a need to find a way to ensure this is a
random survey.
Overview of USHE Advocacy Strategy (TAB F)
Assistant Commissioner Melanie Heath provided an overview of the USHE advocacy strategy, which
includes amplify key messages at specific times of the year, identify opportunities to collaborate across
institutions, and better disseminate and message impactful system data. Outcomes will be reported back
to Presidents and Regents in July 2020.
General Consent Calendar (TAB X)
On a motion by Regent Jensen and seconded by Regent Lund the following items were
approved on the Regents’ General Consent Calendar
Utah State Board of Regents 2019-2020 Amendment to Meeting Schedule (TAB Y)
Regent Barnes made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB Y; Regent Mozafari seconded
the motion and the motion carried.
Utah State Board of Regents 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule Approval (TAB Z)
Regent Barnes made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB Y; Regent Mozafari seconded
the motion and the motion carried.
Academic and Student Affairs
Prior Learning Assessment Priorities and Timelines (TAB G)
The legislation requires several actions for the Board to take on Prior Learning Assessment. Committee
members provided input that will help shape the policy, which will come to the Board in November. This
is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
Regent Transfer Council (TAB H)
After input from Chief Academic Officers, Presidents, and others, it was determined that the Regents
Transfer Council should be establish by directive and play an active role in guiding the revision of the
Regents’ policies related to articulation and transfer. Regent Jones made a motion to approve as
outlined in TAB H; Regent Barnes seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Academic and Student Affairs Committee Priorities, Goals and Timelines (TAB I)
This discussion was to identify the top priorities for the committee and action steps and timelines. This is
an information item only; no action was taken.
Future Committee Dates
This confirmed meeting dates for the ASAC committee as the third Friday, during the off months, from
3:00-5:00 PM. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Finance and Facilities
Growth Funding Task Force
The Task Force met Thursday morning to discuss a funding model for growth in the USHE. This is a
discussion item only; no action was taken.
Utah State University – Master Plan (TAB J)
USU requests review and approval of the current institutional master plan that was last updated in
November 2017. Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB J; Regent
Stoddard seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Utah State University – Refunding Bonds (TAB K)
USU requests authorization to issue up to 6 million of Research Revenue Refunding Bonds to refund
portions of existing 2018A Research Revenue Bonds with the preliminary net-present value savings
estimated at $300,000.00. Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB K;
Regent Jibson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Snow College – Refunding Bonds (TAB L)
Snow College requests Board authorization to issue up to $13,500,000 of Student Fee and Housing
System Revenue Refunding Bonds to refund portions of existing 2011 Revenue Bonds with the
preliminary net-present value savings estimated at $1,250,000. Regent Clyde made a motion to
approve as outlined in TAB L; Regent Barnes seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Utah Valley University – Revenue and Refunding Bonds (TAB M)
UVU requests Board authorization to issue up to $61,000,000 of Student Center Building Fee and Unified
System Refunding and Revenue Bonds to renovate and expand the Sorenson Student Center and to
refund portions of existing 2004A and 2012A Revenue Bonds pending favorable market conditions. The
preliminary estimate of net-present savings of the refunding is $1,800,000. Regent Clyde made a
motion to approve as outlined in TAB M; Regent Hall seconded the motion and the motion
University of Utah – Non-state Funded Projects (TAB N)
The U request approval for two non-state funded projects to: remodel space in the Fieldhouse for a 400-
seat theater for $9,394,125; renovate and expand the Dumke Gymnastics building fort $3,379,666.
Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB N; Regent Jibson seconded the
motion and the motion carried.
USHE FY 2020-21 Prioritization of Non-Dedicated Projects and Land Bank Requests (TAB O)
The Capital Facilities Committee met September 12 and developed the final recommendation for the
2020-21 Capital Development request for the full Board’s consideration. As part of this process, they
allocated Regent Criteria Points using the average of the full Board’s recommended scores; after careful
consideration and discussion, awarded a limited number of Discretions Points. The top three USHE
projects are:
Regent Stoddard made a motion to approve these top three projects to submit for
legislative funding; Regent Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried. The Land
Bank portion of this item was approved during Committee of the Whole on Thursday,
September 12, 2019.
USHE – FY 2020-2021 Operating Budget Request (TAB P)
The recommended FY 2021 USHE System operation budget includes: 1) Compensation and mandatory
increases comparable to state employees, 2) $34,850,000 for performance funding intuitional priorities
(including $29,500,000 legislative appropriation for performance funding), 3) $3,000,000 for Utah
College Access Advisors. Regent Clyde made a motion to approve as outlined in TAB P; Regent
Mozafari seconded the motion and the motion carried.
USHE – 2019-2020 Budget Initiatives Use of Funds Received (TAB Q)
USHE institutions provided a detailed report of how they intend to use their share of legislative
appropriations from the 2019 General Session: 1-$27,000,000 of legislative appropriations for
performance funding, 2-$4,500,000 of performance funding from targeted jobs revenue, and 3-
$4,912,900 of legislative appropriations for growth and capacity. This is an information item only; no
action was taken.
USHE – 2019-20 Cyber Security Funding (TAB R)
USHE institutions reported on how they plan to address unfunded ongoing cybersecurity needs for the
edge network, using internal allocations and the $1,005,800 allocation of one-time performance funding.
This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Revenue Bond Results (TAB S)
USU issued $54,995,000 of Student Fee and Housing System Revenue bonds during a competitive sale on
August 8, 2019; the bonds closed on August 22, 2019. The bond sale conformed to the parameters
approved in the May 2019 meeting. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
USHE – Annual Report on Foreign Gifts and/or Donations (TAB T)
The legislature requires reporting of donations or gifts to USHE institutions form foreign persons or
entities. The U, USU and UVU received a total of $3,275,357 in foreign donations; no other USHE
intuition received a foreign donation. This is an information item only; no action was taken.
Workforce, Access, and Advocacy
Career & Technical Education Overview
Interim Commissioner Woolstenhulme presented an overview to the committee. The committee’s
discussion centered on the fact USHE needs to define and align what non-technical credit should be
within the system. This is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
Opportunity Gap Update
The Committee raised the question, is there a way to include opportunity gap measure into the
performance funding metric. Regent Anderson recommended this issue be directed to the Finance and
Facility Committee to determine a specific measure to integrate into the performance funding
mechanism. This is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
K-20 Summit Draft Agenda (TAB U)
Regent Anderson noted USHE is hosting a K-20 Summit on November 14, 2019 and encouraged everyone
to attend. This is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
Strategic Workforce Initiative Update – Governor’s Office of Economic Development (TAB V)
The Governor’s office provided an update on the Strategic Workforce Initiative. This is a discussion item
only; no action was taken.
Advocacy Strategy Overview (TAB W)
Regent Anderson noted OCHE staff will continue to work with institutions and is confident this will be a
terrific resource. This is a discussion item only; no action was taken.
On a motion by Regent Stoddard and seconded by Regent Barnes, the meeting was closed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:59 p.m.
Geoffrey Landward, Secretary
Date Approved: November 15, 2019
Capital Development Prioritization Process 2020 General Session
Resolutions of Appreciation
Budget Presentations
Utah System of Higher Education
Captial Facility Presentations
Utah System of Higher Education
Land Bank Presentation
Other Presentations
Academic and Student Affairs Committee Goals Overview
Committee of the Whole Presentation–USHE
Dumke Gymnastics, 2019–University of Utah
Master Plan for Charles D.–Utah State University
Remodel of Fieldhouse for Theatre, 2019–University of Utah
Transfer Guide and Regents Transfer Council
Utah System of Higher Education
The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
General: 1-801-646-4784
Scholarships: 1-801-646-4812
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